Releases: DGVPSH/SlackOpen
Releases · DGVPSH/SlackOpen
Release B5.2
Hypixel Update & Mode Cleanup
+ Added nobadpackets to invmove
+ Unpatched Hypixel invmove
+ Fireball flight customize speed
+ Made fastfall faster
+ Made Jump Scaffold faster (on and off like adjust)
- Removed some Killaura autoblock modes
- Removed some nofall modes
- Removed test step
- Renamed Hypixel nofall
- Fixed Vulcan Nofall
- Removed MMC velo
- Removed Hypixel Longjump
Updated official configs in the discord.
Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors
Release B5.1
Hypixel Update
- Allowed JumpDisabler in cage
- Fixed scaffold banning
- Added step
- Made Lowhop 2 better
- Updated Build info
Updated official configs in the discord.
Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors
Release B5.0
+ New Hypixel Lowhop
+ New Hypixel Nofall
+ CombatStrafe (use for hypixel to not flag)
+ Clutch Module
- Fix speedbridge in silent scaffold
- Fix Vulcan Nofall
- Fix Breaker Renderer (again)
- Made tower enable better
- Fixed Hypixel flat sprint scaffold
- Fixed Delay till ground velo
Updated offical configs in the discord.
Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors
Release B4
Other Stuffs Update
+ Client sided anticheat (wip)
+ Fixed Breaker render
+ New Lowhop
+ Sumobot
+ New Fakelag
+ Custom Strafe module
Updated offical configs in the discord.
Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors
Release B3
Minor Hypixel Bypasses Update
- Stopped lowhopping without disabler (instabans)
- Better jump scaffold
+ Flick in aimassist
+ Made sprint (no jump) scaffold better
+ Update breaker
Official configs are now in the discord! (Hypixel & Vulcan)
Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors
Release B2
Minor Hypixel Bypasses Update
- Hypixel Air velo
- Hypixel 0/100 velo only during combat
+ Unpatch jump scaffold
+ Add Lowhop to jump scaffold
Official configs are now in the discord! (Hypixel & Vulcan)
Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors
Release B1
First open src release
-hypixel lowhop
-hypixel autoblock
-hypixel blinknofall
-hypixel slowish scaffold
-hypixel bedbreaker
-hypixel antivoid
-various vulcan bypasses