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Releases: DGVPSH/SlackOpen

Release B6 Preview 4

22 Feb 00:45
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Obliterate MMC

+ CustomYaw and CustomPitch rotations
+ Fixed hypixel new scaffodl rotationids
+ Clip command
+ Delay Velocity
+ MMC Velocity
+ MMC sprint scaffold
+ MMC 9 bps speed
+ Update backtrack

+ Blatant SilentScaffold
+ Improve Hypixel2 speed

Official configs in the discord:

Release B6 Preview 3

09 Feb 23:42
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Better than Myau

+ New autoblock Hypixel3 
+ High fireball longjump is way faster
+ Scaffold Improved

Official configs in the discord:

Releas B6 Preview 2

29 Jan 15:12
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Better than Myau

+ New full autoblock (hypixel2)
+ New Fireball flight
+ New Scaffold rotations
+ Lowhop tower (when u enable speed and tower at the same time)

+ Smooth Camera (scaffold)
+ Center Notifications

/ Lobby check for disabler
/ Own bed whitelist for bedwars
/ Speed flags less
/ FPS and XYZ counter fixed fonts
/ Several new autoblock modese
/ New TickPost hit event for killaura

- TestStrafe 

Thanks allah solutions for leaking an open sourced client

Official configs in the discord:

Release B6 Preview

12 Jan 02:17
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Visual Recode

+ New strafe in hypixel speed 
+ New Visuals
+ Basic Autoblock & Basic 2 Autoblock for Hypixel
+ Custom Render module (dm me on discord if u want to know how to use)
+ Breaker Groundspoof to break faster
+ InvManager silent inventory 
+ Color themes totally reworked 

/ Nofall fixed
/ SIlentAura doesnt bug out when enabled with SilentScaffold
/ Hypixel antivoid -> universal antivoid

- Removed Legit Velocity

Updated official configs in the discord.

Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors

Release B5.8

25 Dec 00:14
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Hypixel & Ghost Update

+ New and better scaffold
+ New Autoblock

+ New Silent Aura
+ New Safe Mode
+ Fix Anticheat Noslow checks
+ New fakelag option

/ Fixed Combat Strafe
/ Fixed Movefix in killaura 

- Use Hypixel autoblock mode
- Viaversion is supported on hypixel (1.12, 1.19)

Updated official configs in the discord.

Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors

Release B5.7

12 Dec 01:03
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Hypixel Update

+ Unpatch speeds
+ 7 tick lowhop

- Patched Hypixel autoblock. Use Interact

Updated official configs in the discord.

Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors

Release B5.6

06 Dec 23:58
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Hypixel Update

+ Hypixel Rotations Fixed
+ New Silent Scaffold Mode (bypass MMC fully)
+ New Speed
+ Updated XRay
+ Hypixel gapple noslow
+ Update Nofall
+ Combat Strafe Update

Updated official configs in the discord.

Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors

Release B5.5

05 Nov 02:58
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Hypixel Update


+ Added godly hypixel tower (with strafe)
+ Vulcan Ghost Flight (wip)

- Hypixel Sprint Scaffold better
- Fixed Hypixel Sprint Scaffold Diagonal

+ No Gui Close
+ Packet Cancel Module
+ Legit Velo (useless)
+ Improved the base

Updated official configs in the discord.

Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors

Release B5.4

01 Nov 01:43
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Hypixel Update


+ Hypixel Spring Scaffold
+ Hypixel True KeepY 
+ Faster Speeds
- Fix Flagging with FastFall3 on disable
- Fix Breaker flagging

+ No Rotate
+ Custom Motion Module

Updated official configs in the discord.

Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors

Release B5.3

26 Oct 01:33
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Hypixel Update & Mode Cleanup


+ Fixed Scaffold
+ Made Speed FASTER
+ Made step better
+ Added New Hypixel Fastfall
+ Added New Fireball Flight Options
+ Made Disabler Faster
+ New Targethud

- Fixed Breaker Crash
- Fixed Font in Hud
- Renamed Velocity Modes

Updated official configs in the discord.

Make suggestions in the discord. Looking for contributors