The Python library terrapi-client
offers functions to easily work with the terrabyte User data catalog (STAC API). It builds on top of the Python library terrapi
( for authentication with the terrabyte authentication service.
pip install git+
import pystac
from terrapi.client.stac import open_private_catalog, create_private_collection
# Connect to the terrabyte private STAC API
catalog = open_private_catalog()
# All private collections are prefixed with your terrabyte/LRZ username
# All shared collections are prefixed with the DSS container id (e.g., pn56su-dss-0001)
prefix = '<your username>'
collection_id = f"{prefix}.testcollection"
collection = pystac.Collection(
pystac.SpatialExtent([[-180, -90.180, 90]]),
pystac.TemporalExtent([[None, None]]),
create_private_collection(catalog, collection)
from terrapi.client.stac import open_private_catalog, create_private_item
from datetime import datetime
# Connect to the terrabyte private STAC API
catalog = open_private_catalog()
# Create STAC item
geom = {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [0, 0]}
item = pystac.Item("test_item", geom, None,, properties={})
# Add STAC item within STAC collection
create_private_item(catalog, item, collection_id)
from terrapi.client.stac import open_private_catalog
# Connect to the terrabyte private STAC API
catalog = open_private_catalog()
# list the IDs of all STAC catalog collections
for collection in catalog.get_all_collections():
# Now query a STAC collection
start =, minute=0, second=0)
end =, minute=59, second=59)
query = {
results =
datetime=[start, end],
items = results.item_collection_as_dict()
print("%s items found" % len(items['features']))
from terrapi.client.stac import open_private_catalog, delete_private_item
# Connect to the terrabyte private STAC API
catalog = open_private_catalog()
# Delete STAC item within STAC collection
delete_private_item(catalog, item, collection_id)
from terrapi.client.stac import open_private_catalog, delete_private_collection
# Connect to the terrabyte private STAC API
catalog = open_private_catalog()
# Delete STAC collection
delete_private_collection(catalog, collection_id)