This repository contains templates and tooling for taking Ansible Tower on OpenShift Container Platform.
An Ansible Tower license is required for you to continue past deployment. Contact Fierce Software for a demo/trial license.
For post-deployment configuration jq and pip3 will also be required.
The deployment script ./
can also take preset environmental variables to provision without prompting the user. To do so, copy over the
file, set the variables, source and run the deployer.
$ cp
$ vim
$ source ./ && ./
There's a simple deployment script that can either prompt a user for variables or take them set in the Bash script. As long as you have an OpenShift Cluster and Red Hat RHN then you can simply run:
$ ./
And answer the prompts to deploy the full Ansible Tower on OCP stack.
For manual deployment please read the instructions at
- From OpenShift, navigate to the exposed route, log in with the Tower Admin account used during deployment
- Navigate to Settings > Authentication and click on the LDAP tab.
- Integrate LDAP with the following (if using RH IDM/FreeIPA):
- LDAP Server - Default
- LDAP Server URI:
- LDAP Bind DN:
cn=Directory Manager
- LDAP Bind Password: duh_fill_this_one_out_yourself
- LDAP User DN Template:
- LDAP Group Type:
- LDAP Require Group (optional):
- LDAP User Search:
- LDAP Group Search:
- LDAP User Attribute Map:
"first_name": "givenName",
"last_name": "sn",
"email": "mail"
- LDAP Group Type Parameters:
"name_attr": "cn",
"member_attr": "member"
- LDAP User Flags by Group:
"is_superuser": [
- LDAP Organization Map (for the Default organization) (optional):
"Default": {
"remove_admins": false,
"remove_users": false,
"admins": "cn=admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com",
"users": "cn=ipausers,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com"
- NOTE: If you use RH IDM/FreeIPA with a self-signed CA then you'll need to also set additional LDAP Connection Options via the API. The following is an example of how to do it via cURL and jq:
$ export MODIFIEDJSON=$(curl -f -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XGET --user towerAdmin:aVerySecurePassword | jq '.AUTH_LDAP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS = { "OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT": 0, "OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT": 30, "OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX": 0, "OPT_REFERRALS": 0 }')
$ curl -f -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPUT -d $MODIFIEDJSON --user towerAdmin:aVerySecurePassword