Study group for Node.js(Express) enthusiasts
First time here? Start from the beginning else just pull from upstream(start from step 5) and continue with your task
Step 1: Click on Fork at the top right corner of the repo
Step 2: Clone your forked repository i.e. git clone <REPO LINK>
Step 3: cd into the cloned folder | cd NodeJS-SG
Step 4: git remote add upstream
Step 5: git pull upstream week"week number"
e.g. git pull upstream week2
Step 6: Check out to the task branch | git checkout -b <YOUR_NAME_WEEK_NUMBER>
e.g git checkout -b adamu_chukwuma_1
Run git branch
It should show that you are on your current branch
Create a folder under the current week with the following format: firstName_lastName e.g adamu_chukwuma and add the required files from the task in that folder under their respective week folder.
The document tree should look like the one below:
After implementing your task
Step 1: Run: git add .
Step 2: Run: git commit -m "< COMMIT MESSAGE >" e.g git commit -m "Finished task 2"
Step 3: git pull upstream week"week number"
e.g. git pull upstream week2
Step 4: git push origin < BRANCH_NAME > e.g. git push origin adamu_chukwuma_1
Go to the repository
As soon as you get there, you are going to see a green ‘compare and create a pull request’
Click on it, and type your message, click on create pull request.
If you have any more questions, please check out this resource ->