Data to share by the teams, CSV files. Name files with table/variable name
Table ID, Geography, Type (ACS5, Decennial) Description, Collected by who
- C16001, County and Tract, 2021 ACS5, All languages spoken in Iowa, Professor Seeger
- "Speak only English" = "C16001_002",
- "Spanish" = "C16001_003",
- "French, Haitian, or Cajun" = "C16001_006",
- "German or other West Germanic languages" = "C16001_009",
- "Russian, Polish, or other Slavic languages" = "C16001_012",
- "Other Indo-European languages" = "C16001_015",
- "Korean" = "C16001_018",
- "Chinese (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese)" = "C16001_021",
- "Vietnamese" = "C16001_024",
- "Tagalog (incl. Filipino)" = "C16001_027",
- "Other Asian and Pacific Island languages" = "C16001_030",
- "Arabic" = "C16001_033",
- "Other and unspecified languages" = "C16001_036"
- "Median Household Income" = "B19013", Aaron N (completed),
- "Median Family Income" = "B19113",
- "Median Nonfamliy Household Income" = "B19202",
- "Earnings for Households" = "B19051",
- "Public Assistance Income for Food Stamps/SNAP for Households",
- "Social Security Income for Households" = "B19055" ,
- "Number of Earners in a Family" = "B19122",
"Travel Time to Work" = "B08303", Aaron Null (Completed)
"Means of Transportation to Work" = "B08301", County, 2009 - 2021, ACS5, means of transportation to work (car, bus etc.), Aaron Null (completed)
"Place of Work for Workers 16 Years and Over--Micropolitan Statistical Area Level" = "B08017",
"Place of Work for Workers 16 Years and Over--not Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Level" = "B08018"
- "Race" = "B02001",
- "Detailed Race" = "B02003"
- "Sex by Age by Employment Status" = "B23001"
- B28010=Presence of a computer in household,county and tract, 2021 ACS5
- B28011=Internet subscriptions in household ,county and tract, 2021 ACS5
- Dp04, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Selected Housing Characteristics holding off on this for now
- S2501, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Occupancy Characteristics, Angelina Evans
- S2504, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Physical Housing Characteristics for Occupied Housing Units, Angelina Evans
- B25008, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Total Population in Occupied Housing Units by Tenure, Angelina Evans
- B25017, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Rooms, Angelina Evans
- B25024, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Units in Structure, Angelina Evans
- B25034, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Year Structure Built, Angelina Evans
- B25036, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Tenure by Year Structure Built, Angelina Evans
- B25037, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Median Year Structure Built by Tenure, Gavin Fisher
- B25041, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Bedrooms, Gavin Fisher
- B25085, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Price Asked, Gavin Fisher
- B25107, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Median value by year structure built, Gavin Fisher
- B25108, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Aggregate Value (Dollars) by Year Structure Built, Gavin Fisher
- B25110, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Aggregate value (Dollars) by Year Housholder Moved Into Unit, Gavin Fisher
- B25111, county and tract, 2021 ACS5, Median Gross Rent by Year Structure Built, Gavin Fisher
Keep adding to this list - if it is italic, then it is in progress!