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Repository with all the smart contracts for DXdao 1.x Governance.


Set your .env file following the .env.example file:

// Required

KEY_MNEMONIC="Seed Pharse Here"


// Required to verify smart contracts


// Required to run getReputation script







yarn test

Gas Report

Will run the tests and report the gas cost for each function executed in every smart contract during the tests.

REPORT_GAS=true yarn test

Reputation Mapping

This script will get the DXdao Rep from mainnet or xdai DXdao rep token and REP mapping smart contract.

yarn hardhat run --network NETWORK scripts/getReputation.js


yarn coverage

Deterministic Deployment

Example command for goerli:

ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=Y3TJ6KYE7RGNDNWVEC2K3A2PRC7HSAMVPS DEPLOY_SALT=0x5caa6a9b2e6023fe37efcabde5d64ed32e8523bac8d1 yarn hardhat deploy --tags PermissionRegistry,DXdaoTreasuryGuild,DXdaoDevOpsGuild,DXDGuild --network goerli


This hardhat task runs on the selected network, it receives the name of the contract that wants to be deployed using create2 and the salt. In case a contract has a initialize function you can also send teh initialization parameters.

Example for ERC20Token:

yarn hardhat create2 --network arbitrumTestnet --contract ERC20Token --salt 2 --initializer "DXGovTestToken,DXGTT,0xC4B60a931929d3ed0AC423F9Ea80e5962726dA73,1000000000000000000000000"


A shell script to be used with to flatten and get the metadata files for verification. The files are saved in the .temp folder.


SOLC_VERSION=0.8.8 ./scripts/ contracts/utils/ERC20/ERC20SnapshotRep.sol

DXvote contracts Deployment

This script will deploy dxvote for develop testing in the localhost network.

yarn hardhat run --network localhost deploy-dxvote-develop


The contracts are organized in different folders:


The smart contracts used for the DXdao avatar, reputation, native token and controller taken from daostack release version that was used at the moment of DXdao contracts deployment with minimal changes done over them.

Code taken from:


These are the smart contracts of the DXdao deployed in mainnet.

Code taken from:


The smart contracts used in DXdao gov 1.x dapp. It consist of the DXDVotingMachine, PermissionRegsitry and WalletScheme contracts, this are used with the existent DXdao daostack contracts deployed on mainnet.

The Wallet Scheme creates and registers the proposals in the Voting Machine, the voting machine receives the votes and stakes, the state of a proposal will be changing over time (depending of the votes and stakes on it). When a proposal is approved the Wallet Scheme will check that the calls to be executed are allowed in the Permission Registry, if the check passes the proposal is executed successfully.

M ultiple Wallet Schemes may be used at the same time and each will have its own configuration and permissions, allowing DXdao to distribute funds and configure access to them.

DXdao Gov 1-x-schemes

On this image we have a scheme called Master Wallet and one called Quick Wallet, all schemes use the same DXD Voting Machine and Permission Registry.

The Master Wallet will have access to funds held in the DXdao avatar and will be able to create/remove other schemes, set the permissions to them and do mostly anything. We can expect this scheme to be slower and have strong security requirements.

The Quick Wallet scheme will have access to funds held by the scheme itself, with less funds at risk it can be configured to make decisions faster.

Schemes Configuration

  • Scheme Parameters:

    • name: The name of the scheme, this will be used to identify the scheme by name in DXvote dapp.

    • callToController: If the scheme make calls to the controller or not. A Scheme that makes calls to a controller will make calls from the dxdao avatar (which gives access to the dxdao funds) and a scheme that does not call the controller will make calls directly from itself, which means that it will have access only to the funds held in the scheme address.

    • maxSecondsForExecution: This is the amount of time that a proposal has to be executed in the scheme, this is useful to "clean" proposals that weren't successful or weren't able to be executed for some reason. This means that if a proposal passes in 3 days in the voting machine and the maxSecondsForExecution are 6 days it will have 3 days to be executed, after that it will be marked in ExecutionTimeout state and wont be able to be executed again, reaching a state of termination.

    • maxRepPercentageToMint: This is the maximum amount of rep in percentage allowed to be minted by proposal, the value can be between 0-100. If a proposal execution attempts to mint 5% of REP and the maxRepPercentageToMint equals 3, it will fail.

  • Controller Permissions: There are four values that determine what the scheme can do in the dxdao controller contract, the core contract in the stack. The two values that we use from it are canRegisterSchemes and canGenericCall. canRegisterSchemes allows the addition/removal of schemes and the canGenericCall allows the execution of calls in the avatar contract.

  • Permission Registry Permissions: These permissions are checked before a proposal execution to check that the total value transferred by asset and the functions to be called are allowed. If a scheme makes calls to the controller the permissions are checked from the avatar address.

    The permissions are set by asset, specifying the sender and receiver addresses, the signature of the function to be used and the value to be transferred.

    It allows the use of "wildcard" permissions by using 0xaAaAaAaaAaAaAaaAaAAAAAAAAaaaAaAaAaaAaaAa for any address and 0xaaaaaaaa for any signature.

    It also allows the use of global transfer limits, by setting the limit by asset using the scheme as receiver address, any value recorded here will be used as global transfer limit in the proposal check.

  • Voting Machine Params:

    • queuedVoteRequiredPercentage: The percentage of votes required to execute a proposal in queued state.

    • boostedVoteRequiredPercentage: The percentage of votes required to execute a proposal in boosted state.

    • queuedVotePeriodLimit: The amount of time that a proposal will be in queue state (not boosted), once the time limit is reached and the proposal was not executed it finish.

    • boostedVotePeriodLimit: The amount of time that a proposal will be in boost state (after pre-boosted), once the time limit is reached and the proposal was not executed it finisf.

    • preBoostedVotePeriodLimit: The amount of time that a proposal will be in pre-boosted state. A proposal gets into pre-boosted state when it has enough

    • thresholdConst: The constant used to calculate the needed upstakes in a proposal to reach boosted state, where the upstakes needed equal to downStakes * (thresholdConst ** (numberOfBoostedProposals)) taking in count the number of boosted proposals at the moment of the pre-boost to boosted state change.

    • quietEndingPeriod: The amount of time a proposal has to have the same winning option before it finish, if the winning option change during that time the proposal finish time will be extended till the winning option doesn't change during that time.

    • proposingRepReward: The fixed amount of REP that will be minted to the address who created the proposal.

    • votersReputationLossRatio: The percentage of REP a voter will loose if the voter voted a proposal in queue state for the loosing option.

    • minimumDaoBounty: The minimum amount to be set as downstake when a proposal is created.

    • daoBountyConst: The downstake for proposal is calculated when the proposal is created, by using the formula: (daoBountyConst * averageBoostDownstakes) / 100. If the value calculated is higher than minimumDaoBounty then this value will be used, if not the start downstake of the proposal will be minimumDaoBounty.

DXD Voting Machine

The DXD Voting Machine is a fork of the the Genesis Protocol (GEN token voting machine) with additional functionality:

  • Use of DXD as staking token.

  • Automatic boost of pre-boosted proposals if possible.

  • Extra minimal configuration parameter to require a minimum amount of percentage of positive votes in boosted proposals to be executed.

  • Payable votes: The voting machine can hold balance in ETH to refund votes after being executed.

  • Signed Votes: Execution of signed votes in behalf of the vote signer.

  • Share Signed Votes: Share the signature of a vote for a specific voting machine and proposal id, this can be use to share signed votes for mainnet in other networks.

  • Signal Votes: Allows the voter just to signal his vote decision on a proposal but it does not execute the vote itself, this vote can be executed later by any other user.


Smart contracts to add a very basic, efficient and flexible governance layer over an ERC20 token.

The guild executes previously authorized functions to smart contracts after a proposal action to execute that function reaches the minimum amount of votes using locked tokens as voting power after a period of time.

  • The guild can execute only allowed functions, this means that if you want to call function X to smart contract P you will need to first submit a proposal to allow the execution of function X to smart contract P.

  • A guild proposal can have none or multiple actions, each proposal action is a list of ethereum calls, that can execute functions and transfer value.

  • The voter can set his vote on a decision only once, the action voted can't be changed, only the voting power can be increased.

  • The voting power in the guild is based on the ERC20 token balance locked by the voter, that means that the tokens need to be locked for a minimum period of time in order to be used as voting power.

  • The tokens locked are held in a token vault, a smart contract owned and controlled by the guild.

  • A minimum amount of voting power can be required to create a proposal.

  • The voter can vote on multiple proposals at the same time using different amount of voting power for each of them.

  • The voter can sign a vote that can be executed by other account on his behalf.

  • When a proposal is created it enters the voting period. Once the voting period passes if there is no proposal action with enough votes to execute, it will be rejected. If it has enough votes to execute and executes successfully during a the execution period of time, it will be finished successfully. If during that execution period of time the proposal action can't be executed it will be set as failed and won't be able to be executed again once the execution time ends.

  • The guild can be configured to automatically pay the voting costs back to the voter, for this the max gas price to be used for voting needs to be set.

  • Each proposal has a title and a content hash that can be used to refer off-chain information.



The DXDGuild is an ERC20Guild with minimal modifications designed to be used to vote on the Genesis Protocol Voting Machine. The DXDGuild will have an amount of REP that will be used to vote in favor or against DXdao proposals. The DXDGuild will create two proposals per DXdao proposal that wants to participate. Each proposal will have to actions, one to execute a positive vote on the voting machine and the other to execute a negative vote on the voting machine.


And ERC20Guild with a time delay in the proposal execution, the guild has a guardian address, this guardian can end a proposal as soon as it reached end time,and the guild can only end the proposal after the end time plus the extra time added for the guardian check. The guardian can also reject proposals at any time.


An ERC20Guild with the functionality to migrate the ERC20 voting token used, the voters can lock their new tokens in the guild on a new token vault and after that a proposal can be executed by the guild to change the voting token and token vault used to a new one. The change will be immediate, the old tokens can still be withdrawn from the guild.


An ERC20Guild that keeps track of the voting power by saving a snapshot of the voting power each time a mint/burn of tokens happens. The voting power to be used on a proposal would be the one that the guild had at the moment of the proposal creation.


An ERC20Guild designed to with with a ERC20 Reputation Token, a token that is not transferable only can be minted and burned by the guild itself. Very similar to the REP token used by dxdao, this allows the guild to be used as a "mini" dxdao, a stepping stone to later growth to a governance 2.0 stack.

Contracts Documentation

See auto-generated solidity documentation here


The smart contracts used to facilitate and automate the deployment of the DXdao.