UIScrollview Header and Footer refresher for UITableView on swift DCRefresher is used in UIUITableView to refresh and pull more functional modules
ios 11
swift 4.0
pod 'DCRefresher'
if you want to add a header for UITableView, you can do it
tableView.dc_header = DCDefualtHeader(closure: {
// to do you want on in Refreshing state
setting header auto alpha
tableView.dc_header?.isAutomaticallyChangeAlpha = true
setting begin refresh before at slided to a postion
The distance is the distance from the top(if it is dc_footer
, It's the distance from the bottom)
tableView.dc_header?.setMidRefresh(refresh: true, distance: 200)
You can set the header or footer state use it.
tableView.dc_header?.setState(state: .refreshed)
public enum DCRefresherState {
///普通状态(nomal state)
case normal
///将要刷新(will refresh state)
case willRefresh
///正在刷新(refreshing state)
case refreshing
///刷新完成(refreshed state)
case refreshed
///没有更多(no more state)
case noMore
If you need DIY header or footer,you can create a class inherit 'DCNormalHeader' or 'DCNormalFooter'. and override the 'onNormal','onWillRefresh','onRefreshing','onRefreshed','onNoMore' function.
remember run the super functiion
clear()-clear all subviews
var oldState:DCRefresherState?//last state