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What is it?

PyTabular (python-tabular in pypi) is a python package that allows for programmatic execution on your tabular models! This is possible thanks to Pythonnet and Microsoft's .Net APIs on Azure Analysis Services. Currently, this build is tested and working on Windows Operating System only. Help is needed to expand this for another os. See the Documentation Here. PyTabular is still considered alpha. Please send bugs my way! Preferably in the issues section in Github.

Getting Started

See the Pypi project for available versions.

!!! DANGER "Before 0.3.5"

**To become PEP8 compliant with naming conventions, serious name changes were made in 0.3.5.** Install v. 0.3.4 or lower to get the older naming conventions.
python3 -m pip install python-tabular

#install specific version
python3 -m pip install python-tabular==0.3.4

In your python environment, import pytabular and call the main Tabular Class. The only parameter needed is a solid connection string.

import pytabular
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR) # (1)
  1. That's it. A solid connection string.

You may have noticed some logging into your console. I'm a big fan of logging, if you don't want any just get the logger and disable it.

import pytabular
pytabular.logger.disabled = True

You can query your models with the query() method from your tabular class. For Dax Queries, it will need the full Dax syntax. See EVALUATE example. This will return a Pandas DataFrame. If you are looking to return a single value, see below. Simply wrap your query in the curly brackets. The method will take that single-cell table and just return the individual value. You can also query your DMV. See below for example.

#Run basic queries
DAX_QUERY = "EVALUATE TOPN(100, 'Table1')"
model.query(DAX_QUERY) # (1)

model.query(DMV_QUERY) # (2)

model.query(SINGLE_VALUE_QUERY_EX) # (3)

model.query(FILE_PATH) # (4)
  1. Returns a pd.DataFrame().
  2. Returns a pd.DataFrame().
  3. This will return a single value. Example, 1 or 'string'.
  4. This will return the same logic as above, single values if possible else will return pd.DataFrame(). Supply any file type.

You can also explore your tables, partitions, columns, etc. via the attributes of your Tabular class.

model.Tables['Table Name'].refresh() # (1)

model.Tables['Table Name'].Partitions['Partition Name'].refresh() # (2)

model.Tables['Table Name'].Partitions[4].last_refresh() # (3)

model.Tables['Table Name'].row_count() # (4)

model.Tables['Table Name'].Columns['Column Name'].distinct_count() # (5)
  1. Refresh a specific table. The .Tables is your attribute to gain access to your PyTables class. From that, you can iterate into specific PyTable classes.
  2. Refresh a specific partition.
  3. Get the last refresh time of a specific partition. Notice this time that instead of the partition name, an int was used to index into the specific PyPartition.
  4. Get the row count of a table.
  5. Get a distinct count of a column.

Use the refresh() method to handle refreshes on your model. This is synchronous. Should be flexible enough to handle a variety of inputs. See PyTabular Docs for Refreshing Tables and Partitions. The most basic way to refresh is to input the table name string. The method will search for the table and output exception if unable to find it. For partitions, you will need a key, and value combination. Example, {'Table1':'Partition1'}. You can also take the key-value pair and iterate through a group of partitions. Example, {'Table1':['Partition1','Partition2']}. Rather than providing a string, you can also input the actual class. See below for those examples. You can access them from the built-in attributes self.Tables, self.Partitions.

model.refresh('Table Name') # (1)

model.refresh(['Table1','Table2','Table3']) # (2)

model.refresh(<PyTable Class>) # (3)

model.refresh(<PyPartition Class>) # (4)

model.refresh({'Table Name':'Partition Name'}) # (5)

            <PyTable Class>:<PyPartition Class>,
            'Table Name':['Partition1','Partition2']
        'Table Name',
        'Table Name2'
) # (6)

model.Tables['Table Name'].refresh() # (7)

model.Tables['Table Name'].Partitions['Partition Name'].refresh() # (8)

model.refresh(['Table1','Table2'], trace = None) # (9)
  1. Basic refresh of a specific table by table name string.
  2. Basic refresh of a group of tables by table name strings. An example is with a list, but as long as it's iterable you should be fine.
  3. Refresh a table by passing the PyTable class.
  4. Refresh a partition by passing the PyPartition class.
  5. Refresh a specific partition by passing a dictionary with the table name as the key and the partition name as the value.
  6. Get crazy. Pass all kinds of weird combinations.
  7. Basic refresh from a PyTable class.
  8. Basic refresh from a PyPartition class.
  9. By default, a RefreshTrace is started during refresh. It can be disabled by setting trace = None.

Use Cases

If a blank table, then refresh the table.

This will use the function find_zero_rows and the method refresh from the Tabular class.

import pytabular
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)
tables = model.Tables.find_zero_rows()
if len(tables) > 0:

Maybe you only want to check a subset of tables? Like find() tables with 'fact' in the name, then check if any facts are blank.

import pytabular
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)
tables = model.Tables.find('fact').find_zero_rows()
if len(tables) > 0:

Sneak in a refresh.

This will use the method is_process and the method refresh from the Tabular class. It will check the DMV to see if any jobs are currently running and classified as processing.

import pytabular
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)
if model.is_process():
    #do what you want if there is a refresh happening

Show refresh times in the model.

This will use the function last_refresh and the method create_table from the Tabular class. It will search through the model for all tables and partitions and pull the 'RefreshedTime' property from it. It will return results into a pandas data frame, which will then be converted into an M expression used for a new table.

import pytabular
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)
df = model.Tables.last_refresh()
model.create_table(df, 'Refresh Times')

If BPA Violation, then reverts deployment.

This uses a few things. First the BPA Class, then the TE2 Class, and will finish with the analyze_bpa method. Did not want to reinvent the wheel with the amazing work done with Tabular Editor and its BPA capabilities.

import pytabular
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)
# Feel free to input your TE2 File path or this will download for you.
te2 = pytabular.TabularEditor()
# Feel free to input your own BPA file or this will download for you from:
bpa = pytabular.BPA()
results = model.analyze_bpa(te2.exe,bpa.location)

if len(results) > 0:
    #Revert deployment here!

Loop through and query DAX files

Let's say you have multiple DAX queries you would like to store and run through as checks. The query method on the Tabular class can also take file paths. It can be any file type as it's just checking os.path.isfile(). But would suggest .dax or .txt. It will read the file and use that as the new query_str argument.

import pytabular
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)
for file_path in LIST_OF_FILE_PATHS:

Advanced Refreshing with Pre and Post Checks

Maybe you are introducing new logic to a fact table, and you need to ensure that a measure checking last month's values never changes. To do that you can take advantage of the RefreshCheck and RefreshCheckCollection classes. But using those you can build out something that would first check the results of the measure, then refresh, then check the results of the measure after the refresh, and lastly perform your desired check. In this case, the pre value matches the post value. When refreshing, if your pre does not equal post, it would fail and give an assertion error in your logging.

from pytabular import Tabular
from pytabular.refresh import RefreshCheck, RefreshCheckCollection

model = Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)

# This is our custom check that we want to run after refresh.
# Does the pre refresh value match the post refresh value.
def sum_of_sales_assertion(pre, post):
    return pre == post

# This is where we put it all together into the `RefreshCheck` class. Give it a name, give it a query to run, and give it the assertion you want to make.
sum_of_last_month_sales = RefreshCheck(
    'Last Month Sales',
    lambda: model.query("EVALUATE {[Last Month Sales]}")

# Here we are adding it to a `RefreshCheckCollection` because you can have more than on `Refresh_Check` to run.
all_refresh_check = RefreshCheckCollection([sum_of_last_month_sales])

    'Fact Table Name',
    refresh_checks = RefreshCheckCollection([sum_of_last_month_sales])


Query as Another User

There are plenty of tools that allow you to query as an 'Effective User' inheriting their security when querying. This is an extremely valuable concept built natively into the .Net APIs. My only gripe is they were all UI based. This allows you to programmatically connect as an effective user and query in Python. You could easily loop through all your users to run tests on their security.

import pytabular as p

#Connect to your model like usual...
model = p.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)

#This will be the query I run...
query_str = '''
    'Product Dimension',
    'Product Dimension'[Product Name],
    "Total Product Sales", [Total Sales]
#This will be the user I want to query as...
user_email = '[email protected]'

#Base line, to query as the user connecting to the model.

#Option 1, Connect via connection class...
user1 = p.Connection(model.Server, effective_user = user_email)

#Option 2, Just add Effective_User
model.query(query_str, effective_user = user_email)

#PyTabular will do it's best to handle multiple accounts...
#So you won't have to reconnect on every query

Refresh Related Tables

Ever need to refresh related tables of a Fact? Now should be a lot easier.

import pytabular as p

#Connect to model
model = p.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)

#Get related tables
tables = model.Tables[TABLE_NAME].related()

#Now just refresh like usual...

Documenting a Model

The Tabular model contains a lot of information (meta-data) that can be used to generate documentation if filled in. Currently, the markdown files are generated with the Docusaurs heading in place, but this will be changed in the future to support multiple documentation platforms.

Tip: With Tabular Editor 2 (Free) or 3 (Paid) you can easily add Descriptions, Translations (Cultures) and other additional information that can later be used for generating the documentation.


  • model: Tabular
  • friendly_name: Default > No Value

To specify the location of the docs, just supply the location of where you want to store the files (=save_location).

  • save_location: Default > docs

Each page in the generation process has its own specific name, with these arguments you can rename them to your liking.

  • general_page_url: Default >
  • measure_page_url: Default >
  • table_folder: Default > tables
  • column_page_url: Default >

Folder structure

adventure-works > Model Name
└─── > General Information
└─── > Page with all measures in the model.
└─── tables
│   └─── > Overview page with all tables in the model and a summary per table.
|   └─── > Details of a specific table with all columns and attributes.
|   └───
|   └───

Documenting a Model

The simplest way to document a tabular model is to connect to the model, initialize the documentation and execute save_documentation().

import pytabular

# Connect to a Tabular Model Model
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)

# Initiate the Docs
docs = pytabular.ModelDocumenter(model)

# Generate the pages.

# Save docs to the default location

Documenting a Model with Cultures

Some model creators choose to add cultures to a tabular model for different kinds of reasons. We can leverage those cultures to use the translation names instead of the original object names. To enable this, you can set translations to True and specify the culture you want to use (e.g. 'en-US').

import pytabular

# Connect to a Tabular Model Model
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)

# Initiate the Docs
docs = pytabular.ModelDocumenter(model)

# Set the translation for documentation to an available culture.
# By setting the Tranlsations to `True` it will check if it exists and if it does,
# it will start using the translations for the docs
        enable_translations = True,
        culture = 'en-US'

# Generate the pages.

# Save docs to the default location

Documenting a Power BI > Local Model.

The Local model doesn't have a "name", only an Id. So we need to Supply a "Friendly Name", which will be used to store the markdown files.

import pytabular

# Connect to a Tabular Model Model
model = pytabular.Tabular(CONNECTION_STR)

# Initiate the Docs and set a friendly name to store the markdown files.
docs = pytabular.ModelDocumenter(
    model = model,
    friendly_name = "Adventure Works"

# Generate the pages.

# Save docs to the default location




Connect to Tabular Models via Python







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