By using this stylesheet to export your roster from Battlescribe, you will be able to create a printable document like this
Download the stylesheet from here (right click and 'Save link as...').
Create your Kill Team in Battlescribe (Matched Play or Campaign).
Export in Battlescribe.
File -> Export roster...
Browse for the XSL Stylesheet and select the file you downloaded in step 1.
Browse for the Destination File and select a folder where you want to save the file. Name the file; eg. mycampaign.html (note the .html here is important).
Click 'Export' then 'Done'.
Open the html file in your web browser and print as required.
Clone the repository
git clone
Change to the project folder
cd battlescribe-stylesheet-killteam
Install the required NPM modules
npm install
Create a roster in Battlescribe and save it as a .ros file (not .rosz), to the battlescribe-stylesheet-killteam/data folder
Build your first distribution file
gulp build
Run gulp with browser-sync
gulp --bsfile YOUR_FILE
(don't need to put .ros) -
Edit the files in the src folder and see your changes in the web browser that opened when you started gulp