This is a simple plugin that makes ace snippets easy and extendable.
NOTE: In order to make this work, you MUST use a newer version of ace. The 1.1.1 stable version of ace and ace-builds do not have support for snippets or autocompletion. I recommend using a specific commit rather than pointing to master. If the master branch ever changes it's API, this could break your code. I installed:
**UPDATE: **This works with ace-builds#~1.1.3
bower install --save ace-builds#b2f8bf1e745250596afea5b39c70b94421af906d
bower install ace-snippet-extension
git clone https://github.com/Dahs81/ace-snippet-extension.git
First, make sure that you reference the snippets.js file in your html page
<script type="text/javascript" src="/bower/ace-builds/src/ace.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/bower/ace-builds/src/ext-language_tools.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/bower/ace-snippet-extension/snippets.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/editor.js"></script>
Be sure that the snippets.js file is after ace.js and before the file which you implement the editor.
var editor = ace.edit('#editor');
ace_snippets(ace, editor, 'javascript', snippetText);
var eol = '\n';
// snippetText could come from another file
var snippetText = [
"snippet log",
" console.log(${1:});"
// As a string
var snippetText = "snippet test\n\
var test = function() {\n\
return \"test\"\n\
** I recommend the method using an array and joining with eol **
There are some useful custom snippets that I defined for angular and ejs built in. To use these, do this:
var myCustomSnippetText = angularSnippetText + ejsSnippetText;
Then pass this into the snippetText parameter of the function, like so:
ace_snippets(ace, editor, 'javascript', myCustomSnippetText);
**NOTE: ** You can concat as many of these as you would like. Just create your snippetText and add it to the myCustomSnippetText variable.
// Gets the names of each of your custom snippets
getNames(editor, session, mode, snippetText);
// Gets the string representation of the content for a give snippet
getContent(editor, session, mode, snippetText);
** Use these functions to output the names and/or content of your custom snippets, so the users of your editor will know what to type to invoke a snippet. **
I created a sample node project that using this module. Check it out at: https://github.com/Dahs81/ace-snippet-ext-example