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功能简介 Function summary

Damon edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 1 revision

功能简介 Function summary


///弱引用 Weak reference
#define HDWEAKSELF __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self
///强引用 Strong reference
#define HDSTRONGSELF __strong typeof(weakSelf) strongSelf = weakSelf

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - log输出
//Log output, when log is output for true, false does not output log
#define HDDEBUG_MODE true

#define HDDebugLog( s, ... ) NSLog( @"\n↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓\n<%p %@:(%d)> \n%s\n%@\n↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑", __FILE__, [[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] lastPathComponent], __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, [NSString stringWithFormat:(s), ##__VA_ARGS__] )
#define HDDebugLog( s, ... )

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - 界面 Interface
 *  UIColor
///16 Decimal color turn to UIColor
#define HDColorFromRGB(rgbValue) [UIColor colorWithRed:((float)((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16))/255.0 green:((float)((rgbValue & 0xFF00) >> 8))/255.0 blue:((float)(rgbValue & 0xFF))/255.0 alpha:1.0]
///16 Decimal color turn to UIColor with alpha
#define HDColorFromRGBA(rgbValue, _A) [UIColor colorWithRed:((float)((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16))/255.0 green:((float)((rgbValue & 0xFF00) >> 8))/255.0 blue:((float)(rgbValue & 0xFF))/255.0 alpha:_A]
///Turn to UIColor by numerical value
#define HDColorWithRGB(_R,_G,_B)        ((UIColor *)[UIColor colorWithRed:_R/255.0 green:_G/255.0 blue:_B/255.0 alpha:1.0])
///Turn to UIColor by numerical value with alpha
#define HDColorWithRGBA(_R,_G,_B,_A)    ((UIColor *)[UIColor colorWithRed:_R/255.0 green:_G/255.0 blue:_B/255.0 alpha:_A])
 *  Screen size
#define HDScreenWidth   [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width
#define HDScreenHeight  [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height
//Status bar current height
#define HD_Portrait_Status_Height [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.height //状态栏高度

// 判断是否是iPhone X
//Judge whether it is iPhone X
#define iPhoneX ([UIScreen instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(currentMode)] ? CGSizeEqualToSize(CGSizeMake(1125, 2436), [[UIScreen mainScreen] currentMode].size) : NO)
// 状态栏默认高度
//Default height of State Bar
#define HD_Default_Portrait_Status_Height (iPhoneX ? 44.f : 20.f)
// 导航栏默认高度
//Default height of the navigation bar
#define HD_Default_Portrait_NAVIGATION_BAR_HEIGHT (iPhoneX ? 88.f : 64.f)
// tabBar默认高度
//Default height of the tabBar
#define HD_Default_Portrait_TAB_BAR_HEIGHT (iPhoneX ? (49.f+34.f) : 49.f)
// home indicator
#define HD_Default_Portrait_HOME_INDICATOR_HEIGHT (iPhoneX ? 34.f : 0.f)


// Write the Data content to local save, rename, and return the saved path
- (NSString *)saveData:(NSData *)data withFileName:(NSString *)fileName;

//Create a subfolder in Document And return to the created path
- (NSString *)createDocumentSubFolderWithName:(NSString *)folderName;

//Get the path to the file name in the Document folder or in the subfolder
- (NSString *)getFilePathByfileName:(NSString *)fileName andSubfolderName:(NSString *)folderName;

//Check if there is a specified file name file under the folder
- (BOOL)isExistFileWithfileName:(NSString *)fileName andSubfolderName:(NSString *)folderName;


//Write the UIImage content to local save, rename, and return the saved path
- (NSString *)saveImage:(id)img withFileName:(NSString *)fileName;

//Compress a picture and return
- (UIImage *)compressImage:(UIImage *)img withQuality:(float)quality;

//The picture compresses the array, returns the compressed array of pictures
- (NSArray *)compressImageArray:(NSArray *)imgArray withQuality:(float)quality;

 从视频中截取某一帧  Intercept a frame from the video
 @param videoLocalPath 视频的本地地址 The local address of the video
 @param frametime 截取第几秒的一帧  Intercepting a frame of a second
 @return 返回截图 Return screenshot
- (UIImage *)getVideoPreViewImageWithVideoLocalPath:(NSString *)videoLocalPath withFrametime:(float)frametime;

//Get the length of the local video
- (NSUInteger)getDurationWithVideoLocalPath:(NSString *)videoLocalPath;

//Obtaining the resolution of video
- (CGSize)getSizeOfVideoAsset:(AVAsset *)videoAsset;

//Play sound effects, set up vibration
- (void)playEffectWithLocalFilePath:(NSString *)effectLocalFilePath withShake:(BOOL)shake;

 播放音乐 Play music
 @param musicPath 音乐的地址,可以是本地地址,也可以是网络地址 The address of the music,available with localFilePath and network address
@param repeat 是否循环播放 should play music repeat
- (void)playMusicWithMusicFilePath:(NSString *)musicPath withRepeat:(BOOL)repeat;

//停止音乐播放 Stop playing music
- (void)stopMusic;


//Whether have the microphone permissions
- (HDPrivatePermissionStatus)getAVMediaTypeAudioPermissionStatus;

//Whether have the Camera permissions
- (HDPrivatePermissionStatus)getAVMediaTypeVideoPermissionStatus;

////Whether have the Photo album permissions
- (HDPrivatePermissionStatus)getPhotoLibraryPermissionStatus;

//Whether have the GPS permissions
- (HDPrivatePermissionStatus)getGPSLibraryPermissionStatus;

///Whether there is notification authority
- (HDPrivatePermissionStatus)getNotificationPermissionStatus;

//Apply the GPS permissions
- (void)requestGPSLibraryPermissionWithType:(HDGPSPermissionType)GPSPermissionType;

//Apply the Microphone permissions
- (void)requestAVMediaTypeAudioPermission;

//Apply the Camera permissions
- (void)requestAVMediaTypeVideoPermission;

//Apply the Photo album permissions
- (void)requestPhotoLibraryPermission;

///Application of notification authority,More than iOS10.0 can dynamically notify the acquired permissions
- (void)requestNotificationPermission;

//Open the system settings
- (void)openSystemSetting;


//the AppVersion
- (NSString *)getAppVersionStr;

//The build version of the project
- (NSString *)getAppBuildVersionStr;

//The IOS version of the system
- (NSString *)getIOSVersionStr;

//Get the system language
- (NSString *)getIOSLanguageStr;

//Is it an English language environment
- (BOOL)isEnglishLanguage;

//Return to the system usage language
- (HDSystemLanguage)getLanguage;

///软件Bundle Identifier
//Software Bundle Identifier
- (NSString *)getBundleIdentifier;

//The only indication of the simulation software.If IDFA is available, it will return to IDFA.Otherwise, use the analog IDFA
- (NSString *)getIphoneIdfa;

//Get a specific handset model string
- (NSString *)getDetailModelStr;

//Whether is ipad
- (BOOL)isPad;

//Whether is iphoneX
- (BOOL)isPhoneX;


 打开appstore的预览下载页面。 Open the preview download page of Appstore
 @param appleID 指定软件的appid,在itunes后台可以看到。 The appid of the specified software can be seen in the iTunes background
 @param jumpStoreType 跳转到appstore样式类型。 Jump to Appstore style type
- (void)openAppStoreWithAppleID:(NSString *)appleID withType:(HDJumpStoreType)jumpStoreType;

 好评弹窗 High praise window
 @param appleID 评分的appid,在itunes后台可以看到。 The appid of the specified software can be seen in the iTunes background
 @param scoreType 评分样式类型。 Jump to Appstore style type
- (void)giveScoreWithAppleID:(NSString *)appleID withType:(HDScoreType)scoreType;


 字符串MD5加密 String MD5 encryption
 @param string 要加密的字符串 String to be encrypted
 @param lowercase 是否小写 Is it a lowercase
 @return 加密过的字符串 Encrypted string
- (NSString *)MD5EncryptWithString:(NSString *)string withLowercase:(BOOL)lowercase;

 字符串aes256加密  String aes256 encryption
 @param plain 要加密的字符串 String to be encrypted
 @param key 加密的key值 Encrypted key values
 @return 加密后的字符串 Encrypted string
- (NSString *)AES256EncryptWithPlainText:(NSString *)plain andKey:(NSString *)key;


 @param ciphertexts 要解密的字符串 String aes256 Decrypted
 @param key 加密的key值 Encrypted key values
 @return 解密后的字符串 Decrypted string
- (NSString *)AES256DecryptWithCiphertext:(NSString *)ciphertexts andKey:(NSString *)key;


//Get the timestamp of the specified time
- (NSString *)getTimestampWithDate:(NSDate *)date;

///Get the Date by timestamp
- (NSDate *)getDateWithTimestamp:(NSString *)timestamp;

 Getting time through a timestamp
 @param timestamp 时间戳
 @param quickFormatType 快速格式化时间 Fast formatting time type
 you define foramatter
 @return 格式化过的时间
- (NSString *)getTimeWithTimestamp:(NSString *)timestamp withQuickFormatType:(HDQuickFormatType)quickFormatType;

 Getting time through a timestamp
 @param timestamp 时间戳
 @param formatter 自己定义foramatter  you define foramatter
 @return 格式化过的时间
- (NSString *)getTimeWithTimestamp:(NSString *)timestamp withCustomFormatter:(NSDateFormatter *)formatter;

 Compare the order of the two dates
 @param firstDay 第一个日期
 @param secondDay 第二个日期
 @param ignoreTime 是否忽略时间的比较 Whether or not to ignore the comparison of time
 @return 第一个日期和第二个日期比较的结果 the comparison between the first date and the second date
 NSOrderedAscending:第一个日期更早 The first date is earlier
 NSOrderedSame:两个日期一样 Two dates are the same
 NSOrderedDescending:第一个日期更晚 The first date is later
- (NSComparisonResult)compareFirstDay:(NSDate *)firstDay withSecondDay:(NSDate *)secondDay withIgnoreTime:(BOOL)ignoreTime;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - 中国农历和公历转换、星座生肖

//get Chinese lunar calendar by time
- (ChineseLunarCalendar *)getChineseLunarCalendarWithDate:(NSDate *)date;

//get the Chinese lunar calendar by the calendar time
- (ChineseLunarCalendar *)getChineseLunarCalendarWithYear:(int)year andMonth:(int)month andDay:(int)day;

//get Chinese lunar calendar by the lunar calendar
- (ChineseLunarCalendar *)getChineseLunarCalendarWithChineseLunarYear:(int)chineseLunaryear andChineseLunarMonth:(int)chineseLunarmonth andChineseLunarDay:(int)chineseLunarday andLeap:(BOOL)isleap;

///Formatting the string of Chinese calendar
- (NSString *)getChineseLunarCalendarStrWithChineseLunarCalendar:(ChineseLunarCalendar *)chineseLunarCalendar withFormatType:(HDChineseLunarCalendarFormatType)chineseLunarCalendarFormatType;

///Get the date of the Gregorian calendar through the lunar calendar
- (NSDate *)getDateWithChineseLunarCalendar:(ChineseLunarCalendar *)chineseLunarCalendar;

///Get the zodiac through the lunar calendar
- (HDChineseZodiac)getChineseZodiacWithYear:(int)year;

///Get the constellation by date
- (HDConstellation)getConstellationWithDate:(NSDate *)date;