A tool to automatically format Python docstrings to follow recommendations from
PEP 257
See What it does for currently supported auto-formatting.
This project is heavily inspired by
When this project was started docformatter
did not meet all of the requirements the
project had for its docstring formatter and
sadly docformatter
is now also no longer fully supported. Therefore, some contributors
of pylint
got together and started working on our own formatter to fulfill our needs.
When asked we defined the objective of the tool as:
"A docstring formatter that follows PEP8 and PEP257 but makes some of the more 'controversial' elements of the PEPs optional"
See the original answer.
As such, the biggest difference between the two is that pydocstringformatter
some of the open issues we found in docformatter
. In general, the output of both
formatters (and any other docstring formatter) should be relatively similar.
pip install pydocstringformatter
Click here
for a
full Usage overview.
usage: pydocstringformatter [-h] [-w] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [-v] [files ...]
positional arguments:
files The directory or files to format.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w, --write Write the changes to file instead of printing the diffs to stdout.
--quiet Do not print any logging or status messages to stdout.
-v, --version Show version number and exit.
--max-line-length The maximum docstring line length. Default set to 88.
--exclude EXCLUDE A comma separated list of glob patterns of file path names not to be formatted.
Pydocstringformatter will also read any configuration added to the
section of a pyproject.toml
For example:
write = true
exclude = "**/my_dir/**,**/my_other_dir/**"
# Or:
exclude = ["**/my_dir/**", "**/my_other_dir/**"]
Pydocstringformatter can also be used as a pre-commit hook.
Add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: https://github.com/DanielNoord/pydocstringformatter
- id: pydocstringformatter
The following examples show what pydocstringformatter will pick up on. All bad examples will be rewritten to follow the good patterns.
PEP 8: Note that most importantly, the """ that ends a multiline docstring should be on a line by itself:
# Bad
multi-line docstring"""
# Good
multi-line docstring
PEP 257: The closing quotes are on the same line as the opening quotes
This can be enforced on multi-line docstrings with the --summary-quotes-same-line
option. This behaviour is turned off by default.
# Bad
My docstring"""
"""My docstring
multi-line docstring
# With --summary-quotes-same-line
multi-line docstring
# Good
"""My docstring"""
"""My docstring"""
multi-line docstring
# With --summary-quotes-same-line
multi-line docstring
PEP 257: The docstring is a phrase ending in a period & Multi-line docstrings consist of a summary line just like a one-line docstring
Since the first line should be a phrase or summary the first character gets capitalized.
When the second line is one recurring character we consider the summary line to be a title as used in many Sphinx documentation schemes and do not add a period.
# Bad
"""my docstring"""
my docstring
# Good
"""My docstring."""
my docstring
"""My title
My docstring
PEP 257: Multi-line docstrings consist of a summary line just like a one-line docstring, followed by a blank line, followed by a more elaborate description.
When the second line is one recurring character we consider the summary line to be a title as used in many Sphinx documentation schemes and do not add a white line.
# Bad
"""Summary. Body."""
# Good
"""My title
My docstring
PEP 257: For consistency, always use """triple double quotes""" around docstrings.
# Bad
"My docstring"
'My docstring'
'''My docstring'''
# Good
"""My docstring"""
"""My docstring"""
"""My docstring"""
Trailing or leading whitespaces get removed as well.
# Bad
""" My docstring. """
""" Summary.
""" My docstring.
My indented section
# Good
"""My docstring."""
""" Summary.
"""My docstring.
My indented section
For development and contributing guidelines please see