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This is the repository for the Maypop language. Maypop aims to be a dependently typed language for verified functional programming. In addition, it's written using Literate Haskell, and its source code thus contains a quasi-tutorial on how Maypop works. Check it out!.

The goal isn't necessarily to make something to replace Coq or Agda, but to make a language of that sort whose codebase is small enough to understand!

The unification-fix branch contains work-in-progress type inference and unification code. The quality of the code is currently not up to main branch standards, but a lot of things work! Check out the stdlib/ file on that branch for an example of a call to a typeclass-requiring function, and stdlib/Class/ for a definition of that typeclass.

Unless something in the pipeline is going wrong, the above link should be up-to-date with the current commit on this repository.

What Works So Far

Currently, the Haskell code included can:

  • Represent Maypop terms, including inductive data types (GADTs).
  • Evaluate these terms.
  • Pretty print the terms.
  • Check the types of various terms (without type inference).
  • Perform unification (required for type inference).
  • Parse a (currently ugly) syntax for the language
  • Organize code into modules and import required definitions
  • Typecheck modules.

Using Maypop, we were able to define the addition of natural numbers, and prove the following properties about it:

  • 0 + n = n. This follows immediately from the definition of addition, and is not particularly interesting.
  • n + 0 = n. This does not immediately follow from the definition of addition, and needs to be proved by induction.
  • (1 + n) + m = n + (1 + m), which is a lemma used for the proof of...
  • n + m = m + n, also known as commutativity of addition!

On the unification-fix branch, the following things work in addition to the above:

  • Type inference (save users the effort of writing types)
  • Type classes (and automatic search for them)

What still needs to be done:

  • Tactics to make writing proofs easier

Design Decisions

  • Represent unification as a monad transformer (MonadUnify and UnifyT). Instead of writing a special purpose function for unifying terms, we have put this functionality into a general monad transformer (one that requires MonadlAlternative on the underlying monad). This was made to improve the reusability of the code; while type inference relies on unification, so does logic programming, and our type class instance search seems to be (at least in simple cases) reducible to a Prolog-like database search. We can mix in LogicT (from a paper by Oleg Kieselov) for backtracking, and implement a prolog-like language in 50 extra lines!
  • Use MTL style as much as possible. This helps us avoid a lot of extra code; we hide away a lot of the "plumbing" like environments and common variables via MonadReader, handle errors via MonadError, and so on. By using the MTL style of introducing constraints onto a monadic type variable, we're able to make our code work in more contexts (for instance, we were able to swap out unification mechanisms in the type inference code with virtually no changes to the inference code itself), and to add various effects (such as unification) with very little effort. By abstracting the common set of type classes into a "synonym" class (like MonadInfer), we're able to further clean up our type signatures and simplify refactoring.
  • IO hardly occurs in our code; we even define special monad instances like MonadPath for computations that can be used to interact with the filesystem. We thus separate ourselves as much as possible from the concerns of impurity, and can focus on the purely functional "core" of our application. Furthermore, this would allow us to perform additional testing on our code by mocking the results of I/O actions: we can, for instance, write a custom instance of MonadModule, which would return predefined modules instead of trying to read from disk.


The project is built using Stack. Thus, to enter GHCi with all of the relevant code, simply run:

stack ghci

To run our (currently minimal) test suite, run:

stack test

The test suite is currently the best place to look for example inputs. Check out the Spec page, which includes not only the Haskell representation of various example terms, but also explanations on why these terms have particular types. It even has neatly rendered mathematical notation! If the page is down, the Spec.lhs file in src/ will include the same information (albeit in a less pretty format).

Other that that, we also have a barebones application that loads a Maypop file and typechecks it. For instance, you can run:

stack run stdlib/Data/

This will load the file stdlib/Data/, and print all the function that are defined with it. If the module contains errors, the error will be printed instead. You can define your own modules anywhere; however, if you import anything in that module file, the interpreter will only search the stdlib folder. For example, importing Data.Bool will search stdlib/Data/

File Structure

There are a lot of files here, but there's some order to this chaos. Here are the interesting directories:

  • src/ contains the source code for the language itself. If you're from CS 583, that's mostly where you'll want to look. There, and in the test/ folder.
  • test/ contains tests (property based and unit) for the language. It is written in Literate Haskell much like the rest of the project, so hopefully the examples are somewhat clear.
  • app/ is the location for the Maypop interpreter. Right now, only a barebones file loader is there. Stay tuned!
  • doc/ contains the various documents we've had to produce for the class.
  • misc/ includes Haskell files that are not strictly relevant to the language, such as experiments.
  • script/ has the scripts we use to turn the Literate Haskell source code of Maypop into Hugo-compatible Markdown.
  • content/ is the directory for Hugo content files, written in Markdown. A handful of these files will be handcrafted (such as the landing page); the rest, however, will be placed there by the scripts mentioned above.