Install dependencies:
$ yarn
in .env
solana address
should return your local wallet address
Start Solana local testnet:
$ solana-test-validator
Deploy the token-swap
program. This requires you to deploy the program from the source
Clone the solana-program-library
$ git clone
Enter token-swap
$ cd token-swap
Build token-swap
$ cargo build-bpf
To deploy this program:
$ solana program deploy /Users/YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/solana-program-library/target/deploy/
Deploy to local testnet:
$ solana program deploy /Users/YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/solana-program-library/target/deploy/
Program Id: 2Wh8iQvyKLHR1dCHsvKa9jJxnPEUfYLqC77y7NRxFBSg
We now get the Program Id
from the deployment result. Next, we need to update the program ID of token-swap
from the file ids.tsx
name: "localnet",
swap: () => ({
current: {
pubkey: new PublicKey("2Wh8iQvyKLHR1dCHsvKa9jJxnPEUfYLqC77y7NRxFBSg"),
layout: TokenSwapLayout,
legacy: [],
Run the dev server:
$ yanr run start
Before adding liquidity from the UI, make sure you mint the token first and transfer to your testing account:
$ spl-token create-token
$ spl-token create-account 9pymQwovXDiAhWbnNdKjL4XUS9tip6hGfkrRNqrgJ4QX
$ spl-token mint 9pymQwovXDiAhWbnNdKjL4XUS9tip6hGfkrRNqrgJ4QX 100
$ spl-token transfer 9pymQwovXDiAhWbnNdKjL4XUS9tip6hGfkrRNqrgJ4QX 10 YOUR_ADDRESS --fund-recipient --allow-unfunded-recipient
Any content produced by Solana, or developer resources that Solana provides, are for educational and inspiration purposes only. Solana does not encourage, induce or sanction the deployment of any such applications in violation of applicable laws or regulations.
App is using to enviroment variables that can be set before deployment:
used to distribute fees to host of the application
To inject varibles to the app, set the SWAP_HOST_FEE_ADDRESS environment variable to the addresses of your SOL account.
You may want to put these in local environment files (e.g. .env.development.local, .env.production.local). See the documentation on environment variables for more information.
NOTE: remember to re-build your app before deploying for your referral addresses to be reflected.