IdentityServer4.Dapper is a package that provides the configuration APIs to add persistence for IdentityServer 4 configuration data that uses Dapper as its database abstraction.
You can use all database Dapper supported easily.
by now, we support only mysql and mssql. Following are the steps for using mysql in your project.
find the sql script for create tables identity using. move to the SQL directory in src, and you will find subdirctories named by db types. move to the Mysql directory, you will find two files which contain the ddl scripts for tables.what you need to do is run these scripts in you schema.
Download the dll from nuget. what you need to do is download the package Darin.IdentityServer4.Dapper.Mysql from nuget using
Install-Package Darin.IdentityServer4.Dapper.Mysql
then using the AddMySQLProvider meth to config the DB Connection, then call the AddConfigurationStore and AddOperationalStore method to config the stores provided in this solution.
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
//use mysql provider
.AddMySQLProvider(option =>
option.ConnectionString = "server=;uid=darinhan;pwd=darinhanpassword;database=identityserver4;SslMode=None;";
// configure identity server with default stores, keys, clients and scopes,which use the standard SQL
// configure identity server with default Operationalstores,which use the standard SQL
.AddOperationalStore(option =>
option.EnableTokenCleanup = true;
option.TokenCleanupInterval = 10;
return services.BuildServiceProvider(validateScopes: true);
notice that, we provide some default Providers in namespace IdentityServer4.Dapper.DefaultProviders, these providers can work all right indepence of which rmdb used. In other words, all sql used in IdentityServer4.Dapper.DefaultProviders are standard SQL.Maybe some problems are made in your project, you can override it in subclass and remove from servicecollection.