Because there is lack of implemantation of these "must have" technologies to nette I made this.
- in docker folder run
docker-compose up
docker exec -it docker_web_1 /bin/bash
- inside docker (docker_web_1) run
composer update
- Now you should have working web on
- To run console:
php ./bin/console.php
generate entities from db probably you will have to install driver for you db example for mysql
apt install php7.3-mysql
then run command inside container for generating doctrine entities:
php bin/console.php orm:convert-mapping --namespace="" --from-database annotation ./app/Entity/Database/
then run this for creating database schema stuff
php ./bin/console.php orm:schema-tool:update --force
To validate annotations in entity classes
php ./bin/console.php doctrine:schema:validate
To load point of sales to db:
php ./bin/console.php load:pid
To run unit tests
vendor/bin/tester ./tests/ -c ./tests/unit/php.ini
To run phpStan
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -l7 -c ./tests/phpstan/phpstan.neon ./app