OpenTrons are affordable, easy to use biotech tools that can be connected together to make a modular lab automation system.
Here you will find the BETA release of the BetaBot App. It lets you connect to a BioBot, set up an automation job, and run it with an Android device.
A BOM and assembly guide for our open-source, DIY liquid handling robot, the BioBot can be found here:
For more information, email [email protected].
To configure the TinyG board, please visit the TinyG Configuration page:
Check out our Getting Started Guide on Synbiota:
The OpenTrons app is made with Cordova. It uses HTML5 for the user interface and an Android plug-in for the business logic.
The BioBot uses a TinyG motor control board to run its six stepper motors. The TinyG receives g-code from the Android device in JSON format over serial bluetooth.
It is usable on a phone size device, but the best experience is with a 7” Android tablet.
Thanks to the open source projects that made this work possible, especially the Shapoko CNC and the Synthetos TinyG.
Thanks to Genspace for being such a great community.