The first W3C compatible Golang lib for Factom DID (Decentralized Identities).
Overall overview of this library design:
- Generate DID (DID keys, Management keys, Services)
- Update DID and calculate difference between initial and updated DID documents for on-chain update
- Add/revoke DID keys
- Add/revoke Management keys
- Add/revoke Services
- Deactivate DID
- Generate
(fully compatible with Factom Golang Lib) - Advanced DID validation
- Full validation of DID, DIDKey, ManagementKey, Service structs before generating on-chain entry
- At least one DIDkey and one ManagementKey required for DID creation
- At least one ManagementKey with
priority = 0
required for DID creation - At least one ManagementKey with
priority = 0
required to remain after DID update - DID Deactivation only using ManagementKey with
priority = 0
required - Check for no duplicates of aliases among DID and Management keys
- Check for no duplicates of services aliases
- Dynamic calculation of max required priority for DID Update and comparing if signing Management Key is equal or lower than the required priority
- Max Factom Entry size (10KB) validation
- Sign and Verify
- Signing and verifying any messages with DID keys and Management Keys
- Built-in automatic signing of generated
entries - Supported signatures:
- Automatic public keys conversion into on-chain format (
- NewDID()
- String()
- GetChainID()
- SetMainnet()
- SetTestnet()
- AddDIDKey(key *DIDKEY)
- AddManagementKey(key *ManagementKey)
- AddService(service *Service)
- RevokeDIDKey(alias string)
- RevokeManagementKey(alias string)
- RevokeService(alias string)
- Create()
- Update(update *DID, signingKeyAlias string)
- Deactivate(signingKeyAlias string)
- Validate()
- Copy()
- DIDKey
- NewDIDKey(alias string, keyType string)
- AddPurpose(purpose string)
- SetPriorityRequirement(i int)
- Sign(message []byte)
- Verify(message []byte, signature []byte)
- ManagementKey
- NewManagementKey(alias string, keyType string, priority int)
- SetPriorityRequirement(i int)
- Sign(message []byte)
- Verify(message []byte, signature []byte)
- Service
- NewService(alias string, serviceType string, endpoint string)
- SetPriorityRequirement(i int)
// DID Factom Entry Type enum
// EntryTypeCreate is ExtID "DIDManagement" used in the first entry of DID chain
EntryTypeCreate = "DIDManagement"
// EntryTypeDeactivation is ExtID "DIDDeactivation" used in deactivation entry
EntryTypeDeactivation = "DIDDeactivation"
// EntryTypeUpdate is ExtID "DIDUpdate" used in update entry
EntryTypeUpdate = "DIDUpdate"
// EntryTypeVersionUpgrade is ExtID "DIDMethodVersionUpgrade" used in version upgrade entry
EntryTypeVersionUpgrade = "DIDMethodVersionUpgrade"
// DID Network enum
// NetworkMainnet is "mainnet"
NetworkMainnet = "mainnet"
// NetworkTestnet is "testnet"
NetworkTestnet = "testnet"
// NetworkUnspecified is empty string
NetworkUnspecified = ""
// DIDMethodName is method name for Factom DID, used in DID Document
DIDMethodName = "did:factom"
// MaxEntrySize is maximum size of Factom Entry
MaxEntrySize = 10240
// Versions
// EntrySchemaV100 is version 1.0.0 of entry schema
EntrySchemaV100 = "1.0.0"
// DIDMethodSpecV020 is version 0.2.0 of DID specification
DIDMethodSpecV020 = "0.2.0"
// Latest versions
// LatestEntrySchema is latest available entry schema
LatestEntrySchema = EntrySchemaV100
// LatestDIDMethodSpec is latest available DID specification version
LatestDIDMethodSpec = DIDMethodSpecV020
// KeyTypeECDSA is a constant for "ECDSASecp256k1VerificationKey"
KeyTypeECDSA = "ECDSASecp256k1VerificationKey"
// KeyTypeEdDSA is a constant for "Ed25519VerificationKey"
KeyTypeEdDSA = "Ed25519VerificationKey"
// KeyTypeRSA is a constant for "RSAVerificationKey"
KeyTypeRSA = "RSAVerificationKey"
// Generate blank DID document
// factom.ExtIDs with nonce are automatically generated in did.ExtIDs
did := factomdid.NewDID()
// Generate DID key
// NewDIDKey(alias, keyType)
didKey, err := factomdid.NewDIDKey("did-key-alias", factomdid.KeyTypeECDSA)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// Generate Management Key
// NewManagementKey(alias, keyType, priority)
mgmtKey, err := factomdid.NewManagementKey("mgmt-key-alias", factomdid.KeyTypeRSA, 0)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// Generate Service
// NewService(alias, serviceType, endpoint)
service, err := factomdid.NewService("service-alias", "KYC", "")
if err != nil {
// handle error
// Generate DIDManagement factom.Entry
entry, err := did.Create()
if err != nil {
// handle error
// publish entry (*factom.Entry) on-chain using Factom Golang lib or Factom Open API
// continuation of the code above
// make a copy of DID document for updating it
// we need a copy to calculate difference between 2 DID documents later
update := did.Copy()
// revoke DID key
// add second Management key
mgmtKey2, err := factomdid.NewManagementKey("second-mgmt-key-alias", factomdid.KeyTypeEdDSA, 1)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// Generate DIDUpdate Factom entry, signed with Management Key "mgmt-key-alias"
// DID.Update(updatedDIDDocument, signingKeyAlias)
entry, err := did.Update(update, "mgmt-key-alias")
// publish entry (*factom.Entry) on-chain using Factom Golang lib or Factom Open API
// continuation of the code above
// Generate DIDDeactivation Factom entry, signed with Management Key "mgmt-key-alias"
// DID.Deactivate(signingKeyAlias)
entry, err := did.Deactivate("did-key-alias")
// publish entry (*factom.Entry) on-chain using Factom Golang lib or Factom Open API