Original version can be found here: https://github.com/nthirtyone/avorion-commands
This version was forked by Deadonstick to add features to the existing code. In all likelihood the author will have forgotten about this repo by the time you're reading this and will have added many more features by that time that he hasn't committed. As such feel free to contact the author for requests because he just might already have them.
Adds or removes crew to currently boarded ship. Usage:
/crew help
or /crew
for help
/crew add <profession> [rank] [level] [amount]
/crew fill
/crew clear
ADDED BY DEADONSTICK: /crew epicfill
(gives maxed out crew to the ship along with a captain)
Alias: /inv
Modifies inventory of a player. Usage:
/inventory turret <type> [rarity] [material] [tech] [amount]
/inventory upgrade <script> [rarity] [amount]
Prints price of currently boarded ship. Usage: /price
Allows player to change home sector to current if friendly or own station is present. Usage: /sethome
Gets the position of a player. Usage: /whereis <name>
Lists possible variables for /inventory
, /crew
or /fighter
. Usage: /list [type]
. Use /list
to print types.
/list <type>
/list help
or /list
for help.
Display the distance in sectors between the player and the center of the galaxy. Usage /disttocore
Adds goods to currently boarded ship. Usage:
/agoods <good name> <quantity>
Must capitalize all names Must replace spaces with _(underscore) Can not add more then your hold can handle
/agood Steel 100
/agood Steel_Tube 10
Adds a fighter to the payers hanger. Usage:
/fighter add <weapons> [rarity] [material] [tech]