How to use Method Caching: From your .net core startup file, you have to setup the caching service as follow:
1 - Add a memory cache to the service collection with an appropriate expiration scan frequency
services.AddMemoryCache(mco => new MemoryCacheOptions { ExpirationScanFrequency = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5) });
2 - Add to the service collection the base item you want to proxy with the CachedAttribute
3 - Add the cache to the base item's interface while giving the base object type as a parameter!
Once all three steps are done, you can start placing the Cached(SecondsTillExpiry) attribute on any method with simple passed arguments as currently, the key to get a cached value is the direct method call toString!
public class Values:IValues
public string getOne()
return "value";
public string[] getMany()
return new string[] {"value1", "value2"};
Anything other than string,int,decimal,long,char is not supported as of release 0.1.0 D: !!