Elevate default sliders using Jetpack Compose with customizable dimensions, gradients, borders,and dynamic labels. Also, enjoy Kotlin Multiplatform compatibility for ColorfulIconSlider featuring emoji or any Composable thumbs.
- Create sliders with solid or gradient colors for thumbs and tracks.
- Customize thumb and track sizes, borders, and colors.
- Sliders can use emojis or custom Composables like
as thumbs. - Elevate sliders with Jetpack Compose and customize dimensions, gradients, borders, and labels.
- Enjoy Kotlin Multiplatform compatibility for ColorfulIconSlider featuring emoji or any Composable thumbs.
This library offers an enhanced version of Original Repository, now expanded to include Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) compatibility alongside the improved design system of Jetpack Compose M3, which builds upon the foundations of M2.
Key Enhancements:
- Kotlin Multiplatform Support: This library now extends beyond Android, bringing the power of Jetpack Compose M3 design to both Android and other platforms, thanks to Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) capabilities.
- M3 Design Evolution: Building upon the success of M2, this library incorporates the refined design principles of Jetpack Compose M3, enhancing user interface aesthetics and functionality.
- Seamless Transition: Integrate the library seamlessly into your existing projects that use the Original Repository
Create sliders with solid or gradient colors for thumbs and tracks, adjustable thumb and track heights, and more.
value = progress2,
thumbRadius = 10.dp,
trackHeight = 10.dp,
onValueChange = { it ->
progress2 = it
colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(
inactiveTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(color = Color.Transparent),
activeTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(
brush = sunriseGradient(),
borderStroke = BorderStroke(2.dp, sunriseGradient())
Create sliders with labels that display the current progress and allow label customization.
value = labelProgress,
onValueChange = {
labelProgress = it
thumbRadius = 10.dp,
trackHeight = 10.dp,
valueRange = 0f..100f,
colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(),
labelPosition = LabelPosition.Bottom,
label = {
text = "$${labelProgress.roundToInt()}",
modifier = Modifier
.shadow(1.dp, shape = CircleShape)
.background(Brown400, shape = CircleShape)
color = Color.White
Create sliders with customizable Composables like Icon
or emojis as thumbs, along with color or gradient options.
value = progress,
onValueChange = { value, offset ->
progress = value
trackHeight = 14.dp,
colors = MaterialSliderDefaults.materialColors(
activeTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(color = Blue400),
inactiveTrackColor = SliderBrushColor(color = Color.Transparent)
borderStroke = BorderStroke(1.dp, Blue400)
) {
Text(text = "👍", fontSize = 40.sp, color = Color.Black)