Capture The Flags, or CTFs, are a kind of computer security competition. Teams of competitors (or just individuals) are pitted against each other in a test of computer security skill.
Quick Jump Link to the list :
- Agent-sudo
- Basic-pentesting
- Brooklyn99
- Cat Pictures
- Fowsniff-CTF
- Glitch
- Inclusion
- Juciy-Details
- Madness
- Mustacchio
- Rootme
- Simple-CTF
- Tech_support:1
- Vulnversity
- Bounty-Hacker
- chocolate-factory
- Pickle-Rick
- OWASP-Juice-Shop
- OWASP-Top-10
- Web fundamentals- burpsuite
- Nmap
- Intro for Networking
- Linux fundamental part 1
- Linux fundamental part 2
- Linux fundamental part 3
- Google Dorking Room