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Merge pull request H-uru#1633 from Hoikas/dynamic_nexus
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Dynamic Nexus
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Hoikas authored Jan 27, 2025
2 parents 3c9d64e + 3dcf6ef commit bc87a4f
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 36 deletions.
116 changes: 80 additions & 36 deletions Scripts/Python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,13 +40,8 @@
Mead, WA 99021
*==LICENSE==* """
Module: nxusBookMachine
Age: nexus
Date: September, 2002
Author: Bill Slease
Handler for the nexus book machine.

from __future__ import annotations

from Plasma import *
from PlasmaKITypes import *
Expand All @@ -58,8 +53,11 @@
import xLocTools

import PlasmaControlKeys

import datetime
import random
import re
from typing import *

# define the attributes that will be entered in max
NexusGUI = ptAttribGUIDialog(1, "The Nexus GUI")
Expand All @@ -78,8 +76,9 @@
actGetBook = ptAttribActivator(14, "Actvtr: Get Book")
respGetBook = ptAttribResponder(15, "Rspndr: Get Book")
respButtonPress = ptAttribResponder(16, "Rspndr: GetBook Btn Press") # onInit
objlistLinkPanels = ptAttribSceneobjectList(17, "Objct: Link Panels")
objlistLinkPanels = ptAttribSceneobjectList(17, "Objct: Link Panels") # Dead
respKISlotGlow = ptAttribResponder(18, "Rspndr: KI Slot Glow")
layLinkPanel = ptAttribLayer(19, "Layer: Linking Panel")

#------nexus machine GUI tags
kNexusDialogName = "NexusAgeDialog"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,28 +179,24 @@
kNumDisplayFields = 8
kMaxDisplayableChars = 24 # the avg number of chars to display before tacking on an ellipsis: "..."

#special named link panels (other then 'LinkPanel_' + Age Filename)
kLinkPanels = {
'city' : {'LinkInPointFerry' : 'LinkPanel_Ferry Terminal',
'LinkInPointDakotahAlley' : 'LinkPanel_Dakotah Alley',
'LinkInPointPalace' : 'LinkPanel_Palace Alcove',
'LinkInPointConcertHallFoyer' : 'LinkPanel_Concert Hall Foyer',
'LinkInPointLibrary' : 'LinkPanel_Library Courtyard'
'Cleft' : {
#That would be conspicious, if Nexus allowed to link to rainy cleft, unless we belive in great Nexus-Maintainers-Bahro conspiracy
'SpawnPointTomahna01' : 'LinkPanel_Tomahna',
#Umm, why Nexus even has entry for some boring hole in ground on surface?
'' : 'LinkPanel_Cleft',

'GreatZero' : {'' : 'LinkPanel_Great Zero Observation',
'BigRoomLinkInPoint' : 'LinkPanel_GreatZero'
'Neighborhood02' : {'' : 'LinkPanel_Kirel'
# Specially named link panel textures
kLinkPanels: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str] = {
("Ahnonay", "Default"): "xlinkpanelahnonayvortex",
("GreatZero", "Great Zero"): "xlinkpanelgrtzero",

# Special replacements used in some filenames
kLinkPanelInstances: Dict[str, str] = {
"AhnonayCathedral": "ahnonaytemple",
"EderTsogal": "tsogarden",
"GreatZero": "grtzero",
"GuildPub-Cartographers": "guildpubcartographers",
"GuildPub-Greeters": "guildpubgreeters",
"GuildPub-Maintainers": "guildpubmaintainers",
"GuildPub-Messengers": "guildpubmessengers",
"GuildPub-Writers": "guildpubwriters",
"Neighborhood": "Bevin",

kHiddenPersonalAges = ["Personal", "Nexus", "Neighborhood", "city", "AvatarCustomization", "Cleft", "BaronCityOffice", "BahroCave", "PelletBahroCave", "Kveer", "Myst", "LiveBahroCaves", "LiveBahroCave", "ChisoPreniv", "GoMePubNew"]
kHiddenCityLinks = ["islmPalaceBalcony03", "KadishGallery", "islmPalaceBalcony02", "islmDakotahRoof", "islmGreatTree"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -363,6 +358,8 @@ def __init__(self):
PtLanguage.kGerman : True

self.defaultPanelImage = None

def OnFirstUpdate(self):
"First update, load GUI dialog, give player PAL to Nexus"
PtLoadDialog(kNexusDialogName, self.key, "Nexus")
Expand All @@ -372,10 +369,13 @@ def OnFirstUpdate(self):, fastforward = 1), fastforward = 1)

# hide all the linking panels in the machine - will draw appropriate when selected
# hide all the linking panels in the machine - they are no longer used
for objPanel in objlistLinkPanels.value:

if layLinkPanel.value is not None:
self.defaultPanelImage = layLinkPanel.value.getTexture()

def OnServerInitComplete(self):
ageSDL = PtGetAgeSDL()
for (ageName, (maxPopVar, linkVisibleVar)) in kAgeSdlVariables.items():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1217,17 +1217,61 @@ def IDeleteLink(self):

def IGeneratePotentialLinkPanels(self, als: ptAgeLinkStruct) -> Generator[Iterable[ptImage]]:
def gen(name: str) -> Iterable[ptImage]:
# Texture names (should) be all lowercase.
name = re.sub(r"[ '\"]", "", name.lower())
PtDebugPrint(f"nxusBookMachine.IGeneratePotentialLinkPanels: Generating images for {name=}", level=kWarningLevel)
return PtFindImage(name)

info = als.getAgeInfo()
filename = info.getAgeFilename()
swpt = als.getSpawnPoint()
swptTitle = swpt.getTitle()

if hardcodedName := kLinkPanels.get((filename, swptTitle)):
PtDebugPrint(f"IGeneratePotentialLinkPanels: Generated images for hardcoded name {hardcodedName}", level=kWarningLevel)
yield PtFindImage(hardcodedName)

def gen_by_swpt(name: str, title: str) -> Generator[Iterable[ptImage]]:
yield gen(f"xlinkpanel{name}{title}")
if title == "Default":
yield gen(f"xlinkpanel{name}")

if ageName := kLinkPanelInstances.get(filename):
yield from gen_by_swpt(ageName, swptTitle)

yield from gen_by_swpt(filename, swptTitle)
if swptTitle.lower() != "default":
yield gen(f"xlinkpanel{swptTitle}")
yield from gen_by_swpt(info.getAgeInstanceName(), swptTitle)

def IDrawLinkPanel(self):
if self.presentedBookAls is None:
PtDebugPrint("nxusBookMachine.IDrawLinkPanel: trying to draw panel without selected book!")
if layLinkPanel.value is None:
PtDebugPrint("nxusBookMachine.IDrawLinkPanel: trying to draw panel with old PRPs!")

# Generate a series of potential link panel image names and search for them,
# selecting the first matching panel name.
panelGen = self.IGeneratePotentialLinkPanels(self.presentedBookAls)
if panelImages := next(filter(None, panelGen), None):
# Some Ages will have multiple panels that match our lazy string lookup,
# and, in some cases, the first match is a very low resolution postage stamp.
# These are probably coming from the in-world texture on the book. So,
# sort the list so we can get the biggest and therefore clearest one.
panelImages = sorted(
key=lambda x: x.getWidth() * x.getHeight()
PtDebugPrint("nxusBookMachine.IDrawLinkPanel: Drawing link panel!", level=kWarningLevel)
panelName = self.IGetLinkPanelName(self.presentedBookAls)
PtDebugPrint("drawing link panel: %s" % (panelName))
for objPanel in objlistLinkPanels.value:
if objPanel.getName() == panelName:
PtDebugPrint("nxusBookMachine.IDrawLinkPanel: Drawing default panel for unknown Age")

def IChoosePublicInstances(self):
for (ageFilename, entry) in self.publicAges.items():
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