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Модуль для работы с утилитами КриптоПро на Windows и Linux.

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CryptoPro Adapter

Модуль для работы с certmgr и nmcades на Windows и Linux.


  • КриптоПро ЭЦП 4-5 версии
  • КриптоПро ЭЦП Browser plug-in

Запуск процессов

  • NewNMCadesProcess() (*CadesProcess, error)
     type CadesProcess struct {
     	cmd    *exec.Cmd
     	stdout *io.ReadCloser
     	stdin  *io.WriteCloser
     func PostMessage(file io.WriteCloser, message []byte) error
     func GetMessage(stdout io.ReadCloser) string
  • NewCertManagerProcess(args ...string) (string, error)


type CadesManager struct{}

type Container struct {
	ContainerName       string `json:"containerName"`
	UniqueContainerName string `json:"uniqueContainerName"`

type InstallPfxResult struct {
	Container  Container `json:"container"`
	Thumbprint string    `json:"thumbprint"`
	Output     string    `json:"output"`
	OK         bool      `json:"ok"`

func (cm *CadesManager) GetContainer(partOfContainerName string) (*Container, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) GetListOfContainers() ([]Container, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) CopyContainer(container *Container, newLocation string) (*Container, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) LinkCertWithContainer(certPath, containerName string) (bool, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) DeleteCertificate(thumbprint string) (bool, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) DeleteContainer(container *Container) (bool, error) 
func (cm *CadesManager) IsCertificateExists(thumbprint string) (bool, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) RenameContainer(container *Container, newContainerName string) (*Container, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) InstallContainerFromFolder(containerFolderPath string, rootContainersFolderPath string, containerStorageName string, containerName string) (*Container, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) InstallPfx(path string, password string, exportable bool) (*InstallPfxResult, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) ExportContainerToPfx(filePath string, containerName string, password string) (string, error)
func (cm *CadesManager) InstallCertificate(filePath string, storeName string, autoDist bool) error
func (cm *CadesManager) GetCSPInfo() (string, error)


  • GetCertificateThumbprintFromFile(path string)
  • Методы для реализаций интерфейсов COM через NMCades
      type DefaultTypeValue[T any] struct {
          Value T
      type ErrorCollector struct {
          err error
    • ValueToParam(value any) *CadesParam
    • ArgumentsToParams(maxArgs uint8, args []any) []CadesParam
    • GetProperty[T any](c *CadesObject, name string) (T, error)
    • GetPropertyWithObject(c *CadesObject, name string) (*CadesObject, error)
    • CallMethod(c *CadesObject, name string, params []CadesParam) (*CadesResponseData, error)
    • CallVoidMethod(c *CadesObject, name string, params []CadesParam) error
    • SafeExecute[T any](ec *ErrorCollector, f func() (T, error)) T
    • SafeExecuteWithObject[T any](w *ErrorCollector, f func() (*T, error)) *T


type CallbackData struct {
	Id     uint32 `json:"callback_id"`
	Object string `json:"object"`
	Type   string `json:"type"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`

type CadesRequestData struct {
	CallbackId  uint32       `json:"callback_id,omitempty"`
	RequestId   uint32       `json:"requestid,omitempty"`
	ObjId       uint32       `json:"objid,omitempty"`
	Object      string       `json:"object,omitempty"`
	Destination string       `json:"destination,omitempty"`
	Type        string       `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Value       string       `json:"value,omitempty"`
	Method      string       `json:"method,omitempty"`
	Property    string       `json:"get_property,omitempty"`
	Url         string       `json:"url,omitempty"`
	Params      []CadesParam `json:"params,omitempty"`

type ReturnValue struct {
	Type       string      `json:"type"`
	Value      interface{} `json:"value"`
	Methods    []string    `json:"methods,omitempty"`
	Properties []string    `json:"properties,omitempty"`

type CadesResponseData struct {
	RequestId   uint32      `json:"requestid,omitempty"`
	ReturnValue ReturnValue `json:"retval,omitempty"`
	Type        string      `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Value       interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
	Message     string      `json:"message,omitempty"`

type CadesRequestBody struct {
	Tabid string            `json:"tabid"`
	Data  *CadesRequestData `json:"data"`

type CadesResponseBody struct {
	Tabid string           `json:"tabid"`
	Data  *json.RawMessage `json:"data"`

type CadesParam struct {
	Type  string `json:"type"`
	Value any    `json:"value"`

type CadesProcess struct {
	cmd    *exec.Cmd
	stdout *io.ReadCloser
	stdin  *io.WriteCloser

type Cades struct {
	Id        string
	RequestId uint32
	ObjId     uint32
	Process   *CadesProcess

type CadesObject struct {
	Cades *Cades
	ObjId uint32
  • NewCades() (*Cades, error) Создание экземляра nmcades
    • (cades *Cades) SendRequest(request *CadesRequestBody) (*CadesResponseData, error)
    • (cades *Cades) Close()

Пример использования nmcades

package main

import (
	cades ""

func getCertificate(thumbprint string) (*cades.Certificate, error) {
	defaultValue := cades.DefaultTypeValue[cades.Certificate]{}.Value

	cadesObj, err := cades.NewCades()
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Fail to create a cades object", err)
		return &defaultValue, err

	store, err := NewStore(cadesObj)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Fail to create a store object", err)
		return &defaultValue, err

	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Fail to open store", err)
		return &defaultValue, err

	certificates, err := store.Certificates()
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Fail to create a Certificates object", err)
		return &defaultValue, err

	certs, err := certificates.Find(cades.CAPICOM_CERTIFICATE_FIND_SHA1_HASH, thumbprint)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Fail to create a Certificates object", err)
		return &defaultValue, err

	count, err := certs.Count()
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Fail to execute Certificates.Count method", err)
		return &defaultValue, err

	if count <= 0 {
		return &defaultValue, cades.ErrEmpty

	certificate, err := certificates.Item(1)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Fail to execute Certificates.Item method", err)
		return &defaultValue, err

	return certificate, nil


Модуль для работы с утилитами КриптоПро на Windows и Linux.





