Most Asked Android Interview Questions In 2022 - Your Guide For Android Interview Preparation
Prepared and maintained by Rahnuma Sharib who is having experience of taking interviews of many Android developers.
Hi, I am Rahnuma Sharib, I have mentored many developers, and their efforts landed them high-paying tech jobs. I am passionate about sharing knowledge through open-source, blogs, and videos.
When I am in my activity get a phone call what will be the lifecycle of the activity
When I am in my activity get a phone call what will be the lifecycle of the fragment inside my activity
Fragment, activity and application life cycle and when there life cycle method get trigger.
Difference between fragment or activity
What is fragment.
What happen when we press back button on activity A.
Which activity life cycle method trigger when orientation change.
When onDistroy will get called before onPause or onStop.
Type of services in Android
What do you think about NavHost in navigation
What are SOLID principles?
What is broadcast receiver and content provider and how can we implement it.
Advantage of using recycle view over list and grid view.
Launch mode and there type and differences.
Data binding and its type.
How to pass data from activity to fragment or fragment to fragment.
Difference between adding or replacing a fragment.
What is Intent and its type
Constraint layout and its advantage
Difference between push value and set value ( Live Data )
Advantage of using live data
What is Dex file.
Which database you use and why
Benefit of using Room database
Difference between room and sqlite.
Difference between service and thread.
What's is concurrency.
How to improve app performance.
What is memory leak and how to avoid it.
How to go back on previous fragment when click on back button.
How to communicate between service and activity.
What is concurrency.
On which thread service run and how can we change the thread.
Job intent service and its purpose
How to improve application performance.
What is memory leak and how to solve it.
How service will communicate with activity.
What is job scheduler and its work.
Parameter constructer and non parameter constructer are good and why in fragment.
What are the benefits of Kotlin over Java
Explain the use of lateinit & lazy keywords
How to check lateinit class is initialize or not.
What is null safety in Kotlin?
What is the diff between Var & Val and const and val
What is Elvis operator?
What is Flow API in Kotlin
Explain coroutines in kotlin
What are scoped functions and there use in kotlin
What is singleton class and how can you declare it?
what is the diff between companion obj & object
Used extension functions? example
Data class and how its different from other classes.
Sealed class.
What is suspend function.
what is the diff between static & singleton Explain @jvmstatic @jvmoverloads @jvmfiled
Difference between volatile and syncronized.
Live data, Mutable live data and Mediator live data
Advantage of live data
What is flow , state flow and shared flow
Extension, inline, inflix and high order function and there benefit in term of memory.
Difference between public ( visiblity modifier ) and open keyword
Difference between volatile and synchronized.
Arraymap and hashmap.
How hashmap work in background.
What is referential equality and structal equality.
Will reference of two data class with same set of data will it be equal or not?
What is the diff between encapsulation & abstraction give practical example
Explain OOP Concepts.
Will reference of two data class with same set of data will it be equal or not?
When to use array & Array List
What is the volatile keyword
What is the transient keyword
What is a diff between a string buffer & string builder
Why is string immutable
What is the diff between encapsulation & abstraction (practical example)
class A -> extends class B, implements interface C. Both have the same method fun add() {}, Which one will be implemented in class A? Try yourself
What is the difference between String test = new String(“X”) & String test = “X”. Explain String constant pool & String literal
What is coroutines.
What is coroutines dispatchers there type and work.
What is coroutines scope and its type.
What is coroutines context.
What is coroutines builder, its type and there work.
Difference between launch and async.
What is ViewModel and its advantage.
How to instantiate viewmodel.
What is the difference between ViewModel and AndroidViewModel.
How ViewModel work internally.
How ViewModel retain data during configuration change.
During configuration change activity distroy and re-create then how view-model instance remain same.
What is view-model factory & how to pass data in view model constructor
Difference between shared view model and view model.
What is Dependency Injection and its benefit.
Where should we write code of DI.
How hilt provide required object should we write it.
What is MVVM, and how does it work and its advantage.
what is the diff between MVP/MVC & MVVM
Which one you prefer to use and why?
advantage of using retrofit.
what is Marge and rebase in git.
how you create branch and work on them .
What are the benefits of using Jetpack compose?
What is a Composable function?
What is a declarative approach?
What jetpack compose libraries have you used?
Explain compose UI basic components
In Unit testing, what is @Before & @Beforeclass annotation used for
Why should we use a Mockito lib?
Explain Unit & Instrumentation tests
What is Queue, Stack and Array.
The time complexity of Hash Table — O(1).
Best for getting the last item — Stack
Time Complexity of Binary Search — O(log N)
Which is best Sorting Algo — Quick Sort
Best performance for finding minimum value — Array
That’s a wrap for now! Many more to come I hope you find this blog helpful.
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