PhasecoreX's Cogs for Red-DiscordBot.
To add these wonderful cogs to your instance, run this command:
[p]repo add PCXCogs
If you don't have an instance, consider using my nice docker image!
Name | Status | Description (Click for more details) |
BanCheck | Release | Automatically check users against global ban lists.Other features include automatic banning, as well as manually checking users already on the server. |
DecodeBinary | Release | Decode binary strings automatically.Any message that the bot thinks is binary will be decoded to regular text. |
Dice | Release | Perform complex dice rolling.Supports dice notation (such as 3d6+3), shows all roll results, and can be configured to limit the number of dice a user can roll at once. |
RemindMe | Release | Set reminders for yourself.Ported from v2; originally by Twentysix26. I've made many enhancements to it as well. |
UpdateNotify | Release | Automatically check for updates.Will check for updates to Red-DiscordBot and notify the owner. Will also check for updates to my docker image if you are using that. |
Wikipedia | Release | Look up articles on Wikipedia.Ported from v2; originally by PaddoInWonderland. I've made some enhancements to it as well. |