Organization :ISRO (Indian Space Research and Developement Organization) SIH is an university level hackathon organised by Govt. of India. Our team choose this problem statement,as we felt that this problem statement has a huge relevance as major websites and businness do not use an automated sentiment analyzer which is now the defunct thing.
- Classification of individual comments/reviews.
- Determining overall rating based on individual comments /reviews
- DhruvRaipure
- unicorn-io
- smritisingh26
- ShamanthNyk
- nimesh
- sagnik-chatterjee
- Clone the repository
- To run the app make sure the requirements are installed.
pip install -r requirements.txt
We will be relocating to the directory and exporting the flask app.
cd ../
export FLASK_APP=Review-Bay # GNU/LINUX
set FLASK_APP=Review-Bay # Windows
Now that we are set for development uses or contributions we might suggest to run the app in development environment.
set FLASK_ENV=development # Windows
export FLASK_ENV=development # GNU/LINUX
Finally we are all set to run this
flask run
The application can be accessed on your local host server.