Domoticz plugin to intergrate data coming from chirpstack application server
- Log LoRa devices from Chirpstack App Server data into Domoticz
- ChirpStack is organized with Applications regrouping several Nodes. This plugin is ment to have one Hardware by Application ID.
- The LoRaWAN message use the Cayenne LPP format. Each Node can then have several channels.
- The user should declare the Application ID in the parameters of the Hardware
- A MQTT listner will then start with topic application/ID/
- New devices will automatically be added to the hardware with a unique ID, and an incremented UNIT. Thus there is a max of 255 |node-channel-sensor| can be used.
- A unique device ID will be associated : "eui-[Chirpstack APPEUI]-[CayenneLPP-CHANNEL]-[SENSORTYPE]
- [] Create merged sensor : temp+hum, temp+hum+baro into One sensor if associated to the same channel
- [] Extend the Cayenne LPP possibilities by allowing the user to define its own decoding protocol ( CS_USER-Defined_to_DZ={} )
- [] Place the unsupported Cayenne LPP datatype into text sensors
Credits : Made from the zigbee2mqtt domoticz plugin based on domoticz_mqtt_discovery
License : MIT
Touched files :
- API/
- Installed MQTT Server
- Working ChirpStack Application Server
- A physical LoRa device configured to work on Chirpstack App Server (it used a LoPy4 from Pycom)
- Cayenne LPP encoding. For now only the following Cayenne LPP are supported : digital Input, Analog Input (0-255), illuminance, presence, temperature, humidity, barometer
- Go to your ChirpStack application server. Copy the ID of the application, its Name, the MQTT server address Chirpstack publishes onto.
- Clone repository into domoticz/plugins
cd domoticz/plugins
- Restart Domoticz
- Domoticz > Settings : "Accept new Hardware Devices"
- Domoticz > Hardware > Find in the list "Chirpstack MQTT to Domoticz". Name it like the ChirpStack Application, you want to copy the devices from.
- Fill in the parameters your saved from Chirpstack
- Click "Add"
Plugin Setup
Receive sensor data on ChirpStack
On the Domoticz Log, new sensors are found and added automatically :