This project makes use of these dependencies:
- Python 3.6 - Programming language for backend development
- Django REST framework - REST API
- VueJs for the frontend development
- AWS LAMBDA and s3 bucket
- Zappa for deployment
This is a Single Page Application created with VueJs and consumes a REST API created with Django to show the list of categories and the ranking of the favorite things under each categories.
This solution can allow for usage by different users without using authentication but just a simple id that is saved on their browser once they enter the email they want to use.
If the user has not used the application before it registers them with that email. If they have used it before they continue with that email the next time.
There are default categories for every user in the system.
- Person
- Place
- Food
The user can add more categories if he wishes to and can also add, edit and delete favorites under those categories.
On the right side of the screen the users see the log of their actions performed by them on the application and the time they were performed.
$ git clone [email protected]:DicksonChi/favorite-things.git
$ cd favorite_things
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 virtualenv
$ source virtualenv/bin/activate
$ make requirements_dev
$ make install-fd
$ make migrate
$ make run
$ make superuser
to create superuser
$ make serve
$ make test
This command runs the pytest
command and then creates coverage report when run.
$ make clean
after running the test there might be .pyc
or __pycache__
so this command runs through all directories and cleans up.
$ make lint_backend
This command checks for the PEP issues with the python code and uses
the prospector.yml
defined conditions and using pylint to also check
for linting issues in the python code and alerts you to conform to the standard.
$ make lint_frontend
The command runs the npm run lint
command to apply linting
and fixes to your Vue.js code
run this command
$ make backend_deploy_start
Provide default settings to your zappa_settings.json file:
- Name of environment - just accept the default 'dev'
- S3 bucket for deployments - just accept the default
- Zappa should automatically find the correct Django settings file so accept the default
Update the settings file in favorite_things/favorite_things and add zappa_django_utils in the list of apps
Go to your AWS console and create the VPC and then then the RDS and then update the zappa_settings.json file
"vpc_config" : {
"SubnetIds": [ "your-subnet-1", "your-subnet-2"],
"SecurityGroupIds": ["your-security-group"]
"environment_variables": {
Now run $ make stage=YOUR_STAGE_NAME backend_deploy
you should get this message
Scheduled favorite-things-dev-zappa-keep-warm-handler.keep_warm_callback with expression rate(4 minutes)!
Your application is now live at
create a new bucket for the static folder and add this to your settings
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static")
STATIC_URL = "https://{}/".format(AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN)
Then run the command to update this deployment
$ make stage=STAGE_NAME backend_update
Now run this command to collect static for the admin view
$ make collectstatic
Now lets create the db. Since we already have the VPC and the RDS setup run this command
$ make stage=STAGE_NAME backend_create_db
note: please replace the STAGE_NAME with the stage name you want to deploy
If you get the error message that a db with same name exists, then ignore Now let us migrate, load fixtures and create admin user
$ make stage=STAGE_NAME backend_migrate
$ make command="loaddata fixtures/default_category.json" backend_command
$ make command="from main.models import User; User.objects.create_superuser(email='[email protected]', password='password')" backend_command
After deploying the backend code get the endpoint URL and update the PROD constant in constants.js file in
create the s3 bucket that will collect the static files for the frontend.
Go to the bucket permission and then under the cors configuration copy this code to allow for public access
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
run this command to then deploy the frontend
$ make bucket=s3://YOUR_BUCKET build_deploy
Copy the url of the static bucket and access it from your browser.
Now you too can now make a list of your own favorite things!