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Sn0wStorm edited this page Jul 10, 2022
33 revisions
- NEW: Support for Minecraft 1.19 and Mangrove wood in Barrels
- FIX: Slimefun and ExoticGarden support
- NEW: Full Support for Minecraft 1.17
- NEW: Permission to set
- how much certain players are affected by alcohol
- how quickly players naturally reduce drunkeness
- NEW: Recipes can now reduce drunkeness (negative alcohol)
- NEW: Pour your ruined Brews into a Hopper to get the glass bottle back
- FIX: Allow recipes to use Crimson and Warped Barrels
- FIX: Newer versions of MMOItems, Slimefun
- FIX: Config option enableWake was always active
- STILL: supporting Minecraft down to 1.8
- NEW: Action Bar graph to show drunkeness
- Shown when drinking a Brew
- And setting drunkeness by command
- NEW: Colored Particles from boiling Cauldrons
- Different Colors depending on Recipe and Boiling Time
- Easier timing of recipes, just see when it changes color
- Better to keep track of lots of boiling Cauldrons
- Color and time configurable
- NEW: Commands:
- Drink - Simulate player drinking a brew
- Puke - Make player puke
- NEW: Config options:
- Chest System for better Barrel protection [disabled by default]
- How strong stumbling is when drunk
- Set Different Commands depending on Quality
- Support new crimson and warped planks for barrels
- NEW: Plugin support:
- BlockLocker for Barrel locking
- Towny for Barrel protection
- NEW: Russian and Spanish language
- FIX: Sometimes all Brews turned Murky or Ruined
- FIX: Lag when unloading a world
- FIX: Create Command not finding all recipe names
- FIX: Bugfixes, with the distiller and others
- NEW: 1.16 Item definitions: Use Soul Fire for Cauldron etc.
- FIX: Alc Lore not updating properly in 1.16
- FIX: Check all Blocks for Barrels when retracting Piston
- NEW: Support Custom Model Data in Recipes
- NEW: Added Config option to disable MC-Barrel aging
- NEW: Added Config option to disable Async Data loading
- FIX: Async Load Exception on 1.12.2 and lower
- FIX: Using Bottles like Honey Bottles on cauldron now gives back the empty bottle
- FIX: Placeholders for the Player and Server Commands
- NEW: Brew Sealing Table
- Seal your Brews to make similar Brews exactly equal
- For better support in shop plugins
- Allows your sealed Brews to be sold and used in most shop plugins
- NEW: Background loading for World-Data
- Extreme improvement in load times at server start and when loading worlds
- World-Data is split into a separate file: data.yml -> worlddata.yml
- Loaded data always merged in main thread & mutual exclusion of loading/saving
- NEW: Sync Player Drunkeness Data across multiple Servers with MySQL
- FIX: Error in Log with newer Version of MMOItems
- FIX: Cauldron now starts properly at minute 0 and as intended takes longer until usable brews come out
- FIX: Permission brewery.openbarrel.mc for the Minecraft Barrel
- FIX: Error in converting Barrels from old version
- BIG: New Recipe Options with Custom Items
- Define Custom Items in the config for recipes, using Name, Lore, Plugin and/or Material
- Changed how Cauldron Base Potions work, now defined as Cauldron-Recipes
- Add Custom Lore, drink-commands, drink-messages to Brews
- New Default Recipes
- BIG: New Brew Save System
- Save Brew data on the Item itself for more reliability
- allows items to be copied and modified!
- Much more robust, reliable and better performance
- Uses NBT or a custom Lore Save System for older Minecraft Versions
- BIG: Revamped Lore System
- Stars in the brew lore showing the quality of the brew
- Show alcohol content when dropping any brew into the Distiller
- Configurable in Config
- Better order in lore and allow for modification by admin or other plugins
- BIG: Performance Improvements
- Redesigned some data structures
- Retrieving Barrels by BoundingBox
- Distilling process improved
- Lots of under the hood changes and improvements
- BIG: Full Developer API with Events
- Allow Plugins to add new Recipes
- Access to most parts of Brewery and the brewing process
- Added JavaDocs and simple api methods
- FIX: Some issues with Hoppers in the brewing process
- FIX: Make reloading config way more robust
- FIX: Brew Create by Command with space in recipe name
- NEW: Language File Updater
- STILL: Support for older Minecraft versions, tested down to 1.8
- FIX: Drinking Animation Bug when opening a barrel with Potion in hand in 1.14
- FIX: Reapply Potion Effects even if the player has got them already
- FIX: Rare crash when breaking Barrel with many players
- FIX: Bug when breaking a barrel
- NEW: You can now use the new Minecraft Barrels for brewing!
- Will take 6 brews, compared to 9 of the small and 27 of the big barrel
- Configurable number of max brews in the Minecraft Barrel
- NEW: Supports the Campfire as fire source under the cauldron
- NEW: /brew ItemName command
- Shows the material name of an item, to use in a recipe
- NEW: Can use RGB colors for brews in recipes
- NEW: Barrels now make sounds when opening and closing in 1.14
- NEW: Chinese language by Neubulae and kp06125
- FIX: Don't load Chunks just to check a barrel
- NEW: Support for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.14.x and below
- FIXED: Error with UIDs in 1.14
- FIXED: Potion Effect Durations in 1.14
- FIXED: WorldGuard Support with FastAsyncWorldEdit
- STILL: Support for all older Minecraft Versions
- FIXED: Fixed Error with newest WorldGuard 7.0
- NEW: Added custom bStats Charts
- NEW: Support for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.13.x and below
- Huge thanks to @Sataniel98 and @ProgrammerDan!
- Will automatically update the Config and Datafile for the correct version
- Uses the new Material names, and they have to be used in the config
- FIXED: Now Showing correct Potion Colors again
- NEW: Different Default configs for <= 1.12 and 1.13
- NEW: Support Magma Block as Heat Source
- NEW: Support for the Plugin Citadel
- FIXED: Some Display Errors with the Distiller
- FIXED: Integration into other Plugins updated
- STILL: Support for all older Minecraft Versions
- NEW: Config Option for recipes to set the time for each Distill-run
- NEW: "/brew create" now accepts a Player to give the Brew to, and @p in CommandBlocks
- Command is now: /brew create <Recipe> [Quality] [Player]
- NEW: Italian Language and Config by FraazT0
- NEW: Config Option to disable Chat Distortion
- FIX: Fixed a lot of Bugs for MC 1.10 and 1.9
- FIX: Some items sometimes not accepted by Cauldron (Grass, Cactus, etc.)
- FIX: Bugs with Distilling
- FIX: Wood type of Big barrel sometimes not recognized correctly
- FIX: Some small bugs with MC 1.6 and older
- FIX: Applied wrong potion effect sometimes when drinking a brew in 1.9
- FIX: plugins/Brewery/configs/ (default configs) not updating
- NEW: Much better Error handling when reloading recipes.
- More help when a recipe fails to load
- Show the messages not only in the log but also to the player doing the /brew reload
- NEW: Set the time until puke items despawn! Default is 1 minute.
- Also the item flow is a bit randomized to make it look better
- Puke items should now never be possible to be picked up, ever.
- NEW: Updated some outdated config descriptions
- REM: Removed the longer login deny when extremely drunk. No more waiting until logging back in!
- FIX: Ensure that the plugin keeps working once Minecraft 1.10 is out
- NEW: Support for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.9.x
- Huge thanks to @Sataniel98 and @ProgrammerDan!
- Custom distilling process that imitates the old process in the brewing stand using glowstone dust
- Potions were changed in 1.9 so the Color of Brews may look different
- Potioneffects are now completely hidden from the Brew lore in 1.9, as they would otherwise show confusing effects
- Finally here after a long time
- NEW: Support for WorldGuard 6.1, LWC 4.5.0, GriefPrevention 14.6, LogBlock 1.94/1.10
- STILL: Keeping support for CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x and probably older
- NEW: Using Vault to find Items in recipes
- Optional dependency
- This makes creating recipes a lot easier
- Instead of id and data values ingredients can be added by their name
- for example "green dye" or "stained glass pane green"
- NEW: Automatically allow ingredients of recipes into the cauldron
- Allow even if not in cooked list
- Those potions will have generic cooked names
- FIXED: Cauldron duplication Bug
- NEW: WorldGuard 6.0 Support, fixes the error when opening Barrels with WorldGuard 6.0 installed
- STILL: WorldGuard 5.x Backwards compatibility
- NEW: Update Checker
- Checks the Curseforge api for updates to Brewery once at serverstart
- If found, the log and Ops are notified
- Runs in an async thread, so it does not lock up the Server
- Can be disabled in the config
- NEW: All Languages and config files now come packed with the Plugin
- FIXED: Proper error Message if checking of supported protection plugins fails
- NEW: Player UUID support
- NEW: Item Data/Damage Value support in Recipes
- NEW: Brew Potioneffects much more configurable
- NEW: Performance Improvements
- NEW: 1.7 Woodtypes added to config description
- STILL: Backwards compatibility to older Minecraft versions
- FIXED: Worldedit compatibility by removing /br, use /brew
- FIXED: Better description for some config entries
- NEW: Commands added (see Wiki for full description):
- /brew persist - Persistence to copy potions or use with other Plugins
- /brew static - Make a brewed potion unchangeable
- /brew create - Simply create a potion without any brewing
- NEW: Metrics by Hidendra
- NEW: Better Plugin Compatibility
- NEW: Support for the following plugins:
- WorldGuard
- LogBlock
- GriefPrevention
- NEW: Open Barrels by clicking on any of its blocks (configurable)
- NEW: Items drop instantly when breaking any block of the barrel
- NEW: Reworked permissions, giving brewery.user by default
- NEW: Added some new permissions for barrels and cauldrons
- FIXED: Hopper can not collect puke items anymore
- FIXED: Some characters in chat crashed the Chat distortion
- FIXED: Barrel Inventory Name is now localized
- FIXED: Empty Buckets are returned when using them as ingredients
- FIXED: Blocks sometimes could not be added to the cauldron in 1.7
- UPDATE: English language file was updated (Thanks to hellphish @ dev.bukkit.org)
- FIXED: Barrel Duplication Bug
- NEW: Config Updater, will update the config to the newest version
- NEW: Distort Settings:
- Distort Certain Commands
- Distort Text written on a Sign
- Do Not Distort Text written between configured letters
- REMOVED: Vault. Now uses default Bukkit Permission handling
- NEW: Permissions to bypass certain Events, like getting kicked on overdrinking
- NEW: Added multilanguage-support (en/de)
- NEW: Config-option: "logRealChat"
- Disabled Debug Messages
Add 'debug: true' to the config if you want to enable them
Many Changes to the Potions:
- Several Fixes to the Items and the Brewing process
- Multiple Effects Per Potion
- Consume Items to lower the Drunkeness
- New Lore showing the Quality while Brewing
- List Effects in the Lore
- Barrel Woodtype is now more Important
- New Commands to Copy, Remove, etc
- Unlabel Potions to hide Details of the Brewing Process
- Redone the Saving of the Ingredients
- Reload command now correctly reloads Recipes
- Loading of Recipes now check for Errors
- Some fixes to the Effects while drunk
- Many other fixes and improvements
Old Config and Data Files will not work anymore, as they have changed in this Version!
First Beta Release!