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Sn0wStorm edited this page Aug 6, 2013 · 2 revisions

In the Editmode you can place different signs, that have different functions, when they are triggered. In Gamemode they aren't visible anymore.
The first line determines the type. The two lines in the middle contain additional values. The bottommost line contains the Triggers, that trigger the sign.

Every Dungeon needs at least these signs:

  • lobby
  • ready
  • start
  • end

Lobby Sign

Creates a Lobby Spawnpoint

Ready Sign

Creates a "Ready" Sign, which, after choosing the class in the Lobby, has to be triggered/klicked to start the Dungeon.

Leave Sign

With this Sign you can leave the Dungeon and the Group.

Start Sign

This sign sets the Startpoint of the Dungeon. When every Player is ready, they will be teleported there.

End Sign

When triggering this Sign, as Sample through klicking of every Player, the Dungeon is finished.

Classes Sign

Creates the class signs. Only one sign is needed. The classes will be expanded infinitely to the right. If there is not enough space for all signs, you can create a second sign.

Mob Sign

Creates a Mob-Spawnpoint.

1 [Mob]
2 Type The type of the Mob. You can use custom mobs from the dungeonconfig.
3 Delay,Count The Delay determines, how long it takes for the next mob to spawn (in sec.). The Count determines, how many mobs are spawned altogether.
4 Trigger

Msg Sign

Shows a Message, that was set before.

1 [Msg]
2 ID The ID of the message. It can be defined in the config.yml or via /dxl msg
4 Trigger

Place Sign

Allows placing of Blocks on this position.

1 [Place]
2 BlockID [Optional] The Block ID of the Block, that can be placed here
3 ? [Optional] The Side of the Block, to that the Block can be placed?

Checkpoint Sign

Creates a Checkpoint. If you die, you will automatically get to the latest Checkpoint, otherwise to the Startpoint.

Chest Sign

All Chest around this Sign become "Reward-Chests". When you open those Chests in a Dungeon, the content will be added to the "Reward-Inventory", which you receive upon finishing the Dungeon.

Trigger Sign

Can Trigger other signs. Triggers all signs, that have defined this sign as Trigger

1 [Trigger]
2 ID The Trigger-ID. All Signs, that have set this Sign as Trigger (through "T id"), will be triggered when this sign is triggered. If you leave this line empty, the next available ID will automatically be found.
4 Trigger

Redstone Sign

Turns into a Redstone block, that provides redstone power.
In addition it can be delayed and also repeated.

1 [Redstone]
2 Delay [Optional] Delay of the Redstone output in Repeatersteps. 1 = like normal repeater, 4 = like full repeater, 10 = 1 sec, 600 = 1 min
3 Repeating [Optional] Count of the repeats of the output. The Delay determines the time between the outputs. Empty = No repeats (permanent power), 0 = Infinite repeating
4 Trigger

Protipp: With adding ",x" to the Delay, you can also set the power-on time while repeating to x repeatersteps. Otherwise it is as long as the Delay.

Block Sign

Transforms into a Block.

1 [Block]
2 Off-Blockid/Name,Blockdata The Blockid or name of the Block, and [optional] blockdata of the Block, that appears before being triggered.
3 On-Blockid/Name,Blockdata The Blockid or name of the Block, and [optional] blockdata of the Block, that appears after being triggered.
4 Trigger

Tipp: To find out BlockId and Blockdata of a Block, rightclick it with a stick!

Interact Sign

Transforms into a clickable sign:

Interact Sign after

1 [Interact]
2 ID Signs that have this ID marked as their Trigger through "I id", will be triggered upon clicking this sign.
3 Text The Text that will appear on Top
4 Text The Text that will appear on Bottom


To trigger most of these signs, they need a Trigger. It is determined in the Bottom line of a sign. This explains all available Triggers:

Distance Trigger

Sign will be triggered when a player is within the defined radius of Blocks. In this case it would be 15 Blocks.

Redstone Trigger

Sign will be triggered when the Block below it receives Redstone power. Is the Sign placed on the side of a block, that will be used as receiver.

Sign Trigger

Sign will be triggered upon triggering the Triggersign with the ID 1.

Interact Trigger

Sign will be triggered, when the Interact sign with the ID 1 is clicked.

Use Item Trigger

Use Item
Sign will be triggered when a player uses the Item "Scroll" with a rightclick. The name of the item may be the name of a minecraft item, of a book, or of a renamed item.

Mob Death Trigger

Sign will be triggered when the mob "Boss" was killed. The name of the mob may be the type (as sample "zombie"), or the name of a custom mob from the config.yml

Multiple Triggers

Multiple Triggers

A sign can have multiple triggers, seperated with a comma. Important: Only if all Triggers are triggered, the sign becomes active. In this sample that would mean: Only if a player was within the radius of 15 Blocks, redstone power is received, the mob "Boss" is dead and the Triggersign 2 was triggered, this sign becomes active.

If there is no Trigger declared, the sign becomes active instantly. Exception: The signs Ready, Leave and End become Interact signs, that are triggered through clicking.

Disable Signs

Signs with Redstone and/or Triggersign trigger can be disabled, through disabling the redstone power that has triggered it.
Now the sign is inactive until it receives power again.

Playerspecific triggers

Playerspecific triggers are those, in that only a single player may be involved. They include Distance, Interact and Use Item triggers. With one of these as only trigger, the sign will only be triggered for the involved player. Only he has reached that Checkpoint or receives that message. Sample: A message, that will be triggered through distance. The message appears only for the players, that ar within the given radius.

Of course the other players can still trigger that sign afterwards.

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