Apart from the zap integration, this project uses https://github.com/TheBrainFamily/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor for UI automation
- Download Zaproxy https://www.zaproxy.org/download/
- Host OWASP juiceshop https://github.com/bkimminich/juice-shop
- Update the url of juiceshop, in cypress.json
- Update the zap context in zapconfig/AutomatedContext.context
- Update the zap scan policy in zapconfig/AutomatedPolicy.policy
- Update the incidents to be supressed in zapconfig/AlertSupressionList.json
- Set the proxy port in ZAP and update zapOptions.port in cypress/customscripts/zapclient.js
- Set apikey in ZAP and and update zapOptions.apiKey in cypress/customscripts/zapclient.js
npm install
- Start ZAProxy
- set proxy env variable so that cypress can pick up the proxy url
make sure port number given for HTTP_PROXY is the port set in zap proxy
export HTTP_PROXY=
- Run cypress,
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open
./node_modules/.bin/cypress run
- Scan reports are written to zapreport folder
Copy the incident to be supressed to zapconfig/alertSupressionList.json under respective alert id. alert id and incident can be copied from zapconfig/zapReport.json
- alert id is pluginid in zapconfig/zapReport.json
- incident to be supressed can be copied from zapReport.json to supressionList
"uri": "https://owsapjuiceshopapp.herokuapp.com/font-mfizz.woff",
"method": "GET",
"evidence": "X-Powered-By: Express"
ZAPReport.json and alertSupressionList.json are parsed to generate customReport.html zapReport.html is also generated without supression.
Note: Currently supression is at URL level (not regex)