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Fixed fixing PerfHost
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Fixed fixing processor arch
Fixed coparing and copying drivers from W81 image
Now CompositeBus will be copied from W81 image to DriverStore
Now iorate will be removed from LowerFilters if it not available
now some driver services will be fixed
Fixed losing out file when file with same name was in out directiory
DjArt committed Oct 27, 2019


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1 parent b2135cb commit 601198f
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 11 deletions.
77 changes: 66 additions & 11 deletions scripts/BuildWindows10ARM.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ function Construct-Registry
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\XtaCache"

Write " Fixing PerfHost"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "Description" -ireplace "SysWow64", "System32"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "Description" -Value $tmp -PropertyType SZ -Force
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "DisplayName" -ireplace "SysWow64", "System32"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "DisplayName" -Value $tmp -PropertyType SZ -Force
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "ImagePath" -ireplace "SysWow64", "System32"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType SZ -Force
$tmp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "Description") -ireplace "SysWow64", "System32"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "Description" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
$tmp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "DisplayName") -ireplace "SysWow64", "System32"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "DisplayName" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
$tmp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "ImagePath") -ireplace "SysWow64", "System32"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Services\PerfHost" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force

Write " Fixing DriverDatabase"
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse "$R_SY\DriverDatabase"
@@ -307,9 +307,9 @@ function Construct-Registry
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Control\OSExtensionDatabase" "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Control\OSExtensionDatabase"

Write " Fixing processor architecture"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -Name "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" -Value "arm" -PropertyType SZ -Force
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\Software\Microsoft" -Name "BuildLabEx" -ireplace "arm64", "arm"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\Software\Microsoft" -Name "BuildLabEx" -Value $tmp -PropertyType SZ -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager\Environment" -Name "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" -Value "arm" -PropertyType String -Force
$tmp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\Software\Microsoft" -Name "BuildLabEx") -ireplace "arm64", "arm"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_SY\Software\Microsoft" -Name "BuildLabEx" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force

Write " Clean SysWOW"
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse "$R_SO\WOW6432Node"
@@ -339,10 +339,12 @@ function Integrate-Drivers

Write " Merging drivers"
Write " Mounting registry"
$R_OR = "HKLM:\"+"$wi"+"_OR"
$R_WPE = "HKLM:\"+"$wi"+"_WPE"
$R_WIOT = "HKLM:\"+"$wi"+"_WIOT"
$R_WM = "HKLM:\"+"$wi"+"_WM"
$R_W81 = "HKLM:\"+"$wi"+"_W81"
Mount-Hive "..\tmp\$wi\SYSTEM" $R_OR.Replace(":","")
Mount-Hive "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM" $R_WPE.Replace(":","")
Mount-Hive "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WIOT\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM" $R_WIOT.Replace(":","")
Mount-Hive "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WM\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM" $R_WM.Replace(":","")
@@ -359,7 +361,7 @@ function Integrate-Drivers
Write " Obtain $global:WM drivers list"
$global:WM_List = Get-ChildItem -Name -File -Recurse -Path "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WM\Windows\System32\Drivers"
Write " Obtain $global:W81 drivers list"
$global:W81_List = Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -Path "..\tmp\$wi\$global:W81\Windows\System32\Drivers"
$global:W81_List = Get-ChildItem -Name -File -Recurse -Path "..\tmp\$wi\$global:W81\Windows\System32\Drivers"

Write " Comparing lists"
$Diff0 = Compare-Object2 -IncludeEqual -ReferenceObject $Original_List -DifferenceObject $global:WPE_List | ? {$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='} | % {$_.InputObject}
@@ -397,8 +399,53 @@ function Integrate-Drivers
Copy-Item -Force -Recurse -Verbose "..\tmp\$wi\$global:W81\Windows\System32\Drivers\$item" "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE\Windows\System32\Drivers\" 4>> "..\logs\$wi\copylog in System32.log"
Write " Copying CompositeBus from $global:W81"
Copy-Item -Force -Recurse -Verbose "..\tmp\$wi\$global:W81\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\compositebus.inf_arm_*" "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\" 4>> "..\logs\$wi\copylog in System32.log"

Write " Fixing registry"

if (!($Diff3 -contains "iorate.sys"))
Write " Removing iorate from LowerFilters"
$tmp = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}" -Name "LowerFilters") | Where-Object { $_ -ne "iorate" }
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{71a27cdd-812a-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}" -Name "LowerFilters" -Value $tmp -PropertyType MultiString -Force

Write " Changing paths in services"
Write " Changing BasicDisplay"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\BasicDisplay" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\BasicDisplay" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing BasicRender"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\BasicRender" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\BasicRender" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing CompositeBus"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_W81\ControlSet001\Services\CompositeBus" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\CompositeBus" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing genericusbfn"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\genericusbfn" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\genericusbfn" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing swenum"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\swenum" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\swenum" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing UEFI"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\UEFI" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\UEFI" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing UfxChipidea"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\UfxChipidea" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\UfxChipidea" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing umbus"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\umbus" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\umbus" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing UsrChipidea"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\UsrChipidea" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\UsrChipidea" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force
Write " Changing UsrSynopsys"
$tmp = Get-ItemProperty -Path "$R_OR\ControlSet001\Services\UsrSynopsys" -Name "ImagePath"
New-ItemProperty -Path "$R_WPE\ControlSet001\Services\UsrSynopsys" -Name "ImagePath" -Value $tmp -PropertyType String -Force

Write " Deleting services without executables"
$Diff3 = $Diff3 | ? { -not $_.Contains("\") }
Write $Diff3 > "..\logs\$wi\For remove Drivers.log"
foreach ($item in $Diff3)
@@ -411,6 +458,7 @@ function Integrate-Drivers
Start-Sleep 5

Write " Unmounting registry"
Unmount-Hive $R_OR.Replace(":","")
Unmount-Hive $R_WPE.Replace(":","")
Unmount-Hive $R_WIOT.Replace(":","")
Unmount-Hive $R_WM.Replace(":","")
@@ -449,7 +497,14 @@ function Clean-Environment
Unmount-Image "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE"
Remove-Item "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE" -Recurse -Force > $null

Move-Item "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE.wim" "..\out\$wi $global:W10.wim"
if (Test-Path "..\out\$wi $global:W10.wim")
Move-Item "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE.wim" "..\out\$wi $global:W10.wim" -Force -Confirm
Move-Item "..\tmp\$wi\$global:WPE.wim" "..\out\$wi $global:W10.wim"

Remove-Item -Force -Recurse "..\tmp\$wi"

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