A 101 repository containing the template for practical works to use Apache Cassandra on different languages.
This repository was created to help students using Cassandra at IUT Limoges, by William Pinaud (DocFX).
This works with Cassandra 3.X. Should work with 4.X+.
The purpose was to create atomic-small programs/scripts in several languages to do the same thing:
- Connect to a Cassandra cluster (or single server), generated by Docker
- Create a keyspace
- Create a table
- Insert some data
- Select that data
- Display the selected data in a basic table output in the console
Fix the EOL to Linux-style, that's better for everyone.
git config core.eol lf
git config core.autocrlf input
- Enable HyperThreading / SMT in your MB BIOS
- Enable Hyper-V in Windows (if needed)
- Set up the volume sharing base directory (one at least), like
and... - Add the
directory (or the base drive at least) of this directory to the volume sharing
Apache Cassandra Docker Hub info: https://hub.docker.com/_/cassandra
Creates three containers, one by one:
docker network create cassandra-network
docker run --name cassandra-server-1 --network cassandra-network -d -p 9042:9042 -v C:\docker-volumes\cassandra-server-1:/var/lib/cassandra cassandra:latest
docker run --name cassandra-server-2 --network cassandra-network -d -p 9043:9042 -v C:\docker-volumes\cassandra-server-2:/var/lib/cassandra cassandra:latest
docker run --name cassandra-server-3 --network cassandra-network -d -p 9044:9042 -v C:\docker-volumes\cassandra-server-3:/var/lib/cassandra cassandra:latest
Run the CQL Shell of each container:
docker run -it --network cassandra-network --rm cassandra cqlsh cassandra-server-1
docker run -it --network cassandra-network --rm cassandra cqlsh cassandra-server-2
docker run -it --network cassandra-network --rm cassandra cqlsh cassandra-server-3
How it was built:
docker run --rm -d --name tmp cassandra:latest
docker cp tmp:/etc/cassandra etc_cassandra-latest_vanilla
docker stop tmp
Cassandra 4.X (single server):
docker-compose -f cassandra4-1-server-cluster-docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate
Cassandra 4.X:
docker-compose -f cassandra4-3-servers-cluster-docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate
Cassandra 3.X:
docker-compose -f cassandra3-3-servers-cluster-docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate
NOTE you need to change the scripts according to the local ports if you change Cassandra Version to 3.
Check the nodes are running and OK (replace "X" with the version chosen above):
docker exec cassandraX-cluster-server-1 nodetool status
docker exec cassandraX-cluster-server-2 nodetool status
docker exec cassandraX-cluster-server-3 nodetool status
Run the CQL Shell of each container (replace "X" with the version chosen above):
docker exec -it cassandraX-cluster-server-1 cqlsh
docker exec -it cassandraX-cluster-server-2 cqlsh
docker exec -it cassandraX-cluster-server-3 cqlsh
Those are the same queries executed by those atomic-small programs.
describe keyspaces;
create keyspace if not exists xx_demo with replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
use xx_demo;
describe tables;
create table if not exists xx_demo.xx_demotable(id uuid, name text, value int, maps map<int, text>, primary key ((id), name, value));
describe xx_demo;
truncate xx_demo.xx_demotable;
insert into xx_demo.xx_demotable(id, name, value, maps) values (uuid(), 'test 1', 1, {1: 'value 1', 2: 'value 2 '});
insert into xx_demo.xx_demotable(id, name, value, maps) values (uuid(), 'test 2', 2, {1: 'value 1', 2: 'value 2 '});
insert into xx_demo.xx_demotable(id, name, value, maps) values (uuid(), 'test 3', 3, {1: 'value 2', 2: 'value 3', 4: 'value 4'});
The project uses Maven and Java 15+.
How it is built:
mvn clean compile assembly:single
To run the program:
cd java
java -cp target/cpw-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar App
The project uses the GoCQL connector library and Go 1.15+.
How it is built:
go get github.com/gocql/gocql
go mod init cassandra-pw.go
To run the program:
cd go
go run cassandra-pw.go
The project uses NodeJS 15+ and NPM.
How it is built:
npm init
npm install chalk
npm install cassandra-driver
To run the program:
cd javascript
go node index.js
The project uses Python 3.8+.
Windows users, if needed (if Python can't find packages):
pip uninstall virtualenv
pip uninstall pipenv
pip install pipenv
How it is built:
pipenv install cassandra-driver
pipenv install colorama
To run the program:
cd python
pipenv run python cassandra-pw.py
A 101 repository containing the template for practical works to use MongoDB (Community Edition) on different languages.
This repository was created to help students using MongoDB at IUT Limoges, by William Pinaud (DocFX).
This works with MongoDB 6.0+.
The purpose was to create atomic-small programs/scripts in several languages to do the same thing:
- Connect to a MongoDB cluster (or single server), generated by Docker
- Create a database
- Create a collection
- Insert some data
- Select that data
- Display the selected data in a basic table output in the console
Creates three containers, one by one:
docker network create mongodb6-network
docker run --name mongodb6-server-1 --network mongodb6-network -d -p 27017:27017 -v C:\docker-volumes\mongodb6-server-1:/var/lib/mongodb mongo:6
Run the MongoDB Shell of each container:
docker exec -it mongodb6-cluster-server-1 mongosh
How it was built:
docker run --rm -d --name tmp mongo:6
docker cp tmp:/etc/mongodb etc_mongodb-latest_vanilla
docker stop tmp
MongoDB 6.X:
docker-compose -f mongodb6-1-server-cluster-docker-compose.yml up -d --force-recreate
Those are the same queries executed by those atomic-small programs.
describe keyspaces;
create keyspace if not exists xx_demo with replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
use xx_demo;
describe tables;
create table if not exists xx_demo.xx_demotable(id uuid, name text, value int, maps map<int, text>, primary key ((id), name, value));
describe xx_demo;
truncate xx_demo.xx_demotable;
insert into xx_demo.xx_demotable(id, name, value, maps) values (uuid(), 'test 1', 1, {1: 'value 1', 2: 'value 2 '});
insert into xx_demo.xx_demotable(id, name, value, maps) values (uuid(), 'test 2', 2, {1: 'value 1', 2: 'value 2 '});
insert into xx_demo.xx_demotable(id, name, value, maps) values (uuid(), 'test 3', 3, {1: 'value 2', 2: 'value 3', 4: 'value 4'});
The project uses Composer and PHP 8+
How it is built:
composer update
To run the program:
cd php
php mongodb-pw.php