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Doc-Q Group-Four



Are you tired of spending hours waiting to see a doctor? Bid farewell to long queues and embrace convenience with DOC-Q! Our innovative app addresses the perennial issue of waiting in hospitals by revolutionizing the entire healthcare process.

👩‍⚕️ How it Works:

1️⃣ Easily book appointments for consultations, scans, blood tests, and surgeries.

2️⃣ Access offline consultations promptly at your designated time, saving you precious hours.

3️⃣ Benefit from our extensive network of private diagnostic labs and scanning centers for efficient testing.

4️⃣ Need surgery? No worries! Book your appointment hassle-free at our private operation theaters.

💡 What Sets Us Apart:

✅ Say goodbye to waiting months for an appointment. Gain swift access to quality healthcare.

✅ Enjoy affordable rates with transparent pricing. We believe in making healthcare accessible to everyone.

✅ Empower clinical doctors and foster efficiency in healthcare delivery.

Experience the future of healthcare with DOC-Q. Say hello to convenience and goodbye to queue woes!


To contribute to this project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
# Clone the Repository
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory
# Navigate into the cloned directory
cd repository_name
  1. Add your changes
# Example: Create a new file or modify existing ones
# Add Changes
git add .
  1. Commit your changes with a descriptive message
# Commit Changes
git commit -m "Added feature XYZ"
  1. Push your changes to your forked repository
# Push Changes to Your Branch
git push origin <branch name>
  1. Open your forked repository in a web browser and make a pull request.
# Visit your forked repository on GitHub
# Open a pull request by clicking on the "Pull Request" button
# Make sure your changes are being merged into the correct branch of the original repository

# Once the pull request is reviewed and approved, it can be merged by the repository maintainers
# If approved, the changes will be merged into the main branch of the original repository


List of tasks that need to be completed, assigned developers, and status updates.

Task 1: [Task Name]

  • Assigned Developer: [Developer Name]
  • Status: [In Progress / Completed / Pending]
  • Description: [Brief description of the task]

Task 2: [Task Name]

  • Assigned Developer: [Developer Name]
  • Status: [In Progress / Completed / Pending]
  • Description: [Brief description of the task]



Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for considering contributing to our project! To ensure a smooth and collaborative experience for everyone, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Project
    Before contributing, take the time to understand the project's purpose, goals, and existing codebase. Familiarize yourself with the project's architecture, coding standards, and conventions.

  2. Follow Code Style and Conventions
    Maintain consistency with existing code by following the established coding style and conventions. Use meaningful variable names, write clear and concise comments, and adhere to the project's formatting guidelines.

  3. Respect the License
    Ensure that your contributions comply with the project's license. If you're introducing new dependencies or code that may affect licensing, consult with the maintainers to ensure compatibility.

  4. Create Separate Branches
    For each new feature, bug fix, or improvement, create a separate branch from the main development branch. Name your branches descriptively and prefix them with a relevant identifier (e.g., feature/, bugfix/, enhancement/).

  5. Commit Guidelines
    Commit your changes in logical, atomic units with clear and descriptive commit messages. Each commit should represent a single coherent change. Reference related issues or pull requests in your commit messages using appropriate keywords (e.g., "Fixes #123").

  6. Write Tests
    Whenever possible, accompany your code contributions with appropriate tests. Write unit tests, integration tests, or end-to-end tests to ensure the reliability and maintainability of the codebase. Run existing tests before submitting your changes to avoid regressions.

  7. Document Your Changes
    Document any new features, APIs, or significant changes introduced by your contributions. Update existing documentation as necessary to reflect changes in functionality or behavior. Provide clear and comprehensive explanations to help users and other contributors understand your changes.

  8. Review and Discuss
    Before submitting a pull request, review your code thoroughly to catch any errors or oversights. Seek feedback from other contributors or maintainers, and be open to constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. Engage in discussions to address any concerns or questions raised during the review process.

  9. Test Locally
    Test your changes locally to ensure they function as expected in different environments and scenarios. Verify that your code integrates seamlessly with the existing codebase and does not introduce any unintended side effects or performance issues.

  10. Submit Pull Requests
    When you're confident in your changes, submit a pull request to merge your branch into the main development branch. Provide a clear and informative title and description for your pull request, summarizing the purpose and scope of your changes. Include relevant context, such as links to related issues or discussions.

  11. Be Patient and Respectful
    Be patient throughout the contribution process, as it may take time for your pull requests to be reviewed and merged. Respect the decisions of the project maintainers and other contributors, and be willing to iterate on your changes based on feedback and suggestions.

  12. Acknowledge Contributors
    Recognize and acknowledge the contributions of others, whether through code reviews, comments, or collaboration on pull requests. Show appreciation for their efforts and contributions to the project.

By following these guidelines, you can contribute effectively to the project while fostering a positive and collaborative community environment. Thank you for your contributions!


Doc-Q License

All rights reserved for the DOC-Q project. This project and its associated code, documentation, and resources are the property of DOC-Q and may not be reproduced, distributed, modified, or used in any form without the express written permission of DOC-Q. For inquiries regarding the use of the DOC-Q project or to request permission for specific use cases, please contact DOC-Q Email.