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Ansible JupyterHub Server with Prometheus Stacks for STFC cloud Openstacks

Provides a Magnum Kubernetes cluster, with autoscaling enabled and configured, and a JupyterHub Service. This uses the helm chart provided by ZeroToJupyterHub.



  • (New) Deploy Prometheus stack to monitor the cluster
  • (New) Deploy a pre-configured Grafana dashboard for monitoring GPU and JupyterHub
  • (New) Deploy Virtual Desktop environment
  • (New) Allow GPU worker for lower Kubernetes version
  • Oauth2 or Local Authentication
  • Multiple profiles for different resources limits
  • Node Autoscaling on Openstack
  • Placeholder support for the default profile, allowing users to get a Jupyter server in <3 minutes
  • Ability to use mixed node sizes (w/ autoscaling)
  • Nvidia GPU Support (w/ autoscaling)
  • Cinder support (see limitations)
  • Automatic HTTPS support, can have a instan/ce up in <1 hour (with pre-requisites in place)


  • Existing Cinder volumes cannot be re-attached/transferred on cluster re-creation
  • The primary worker/master flavour cannot be changed after creation
  • Cannot use placeholders for optional profiles (e.g. GPU placeholder)
  • Each node takes 10-15 minutes to spin up due to Magnum overhead, if no placeholders are available a user will have to wait this long.
  • Some metrics can't be selected by node name in Grafana dashboard as it requires a reverse DNS.


Local Environment Setup

  • Upgrade pip3 as the default version is too old to handle the required deps: pip3 install --upgrade
  • Activate .venv if present then install pip deps: pip3 install ansible setuptools setuptools-rust openstacksdk openshift
  • Clone the repository and cd into it
  • Install requirements ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
  • Obtain a copy of clouds.yaml for your project, place it in ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml you may need to create the parent directory
  • Open the file and rename openstack to jupyter-development or jupyter-prod, you can have multiple sections in a single file.
  • Insert your a password line below username with your password
  • Test using openstack --os-cloud=jupyter-development coe cluster template list, which will always return built-in templates

Recommended Setup

The following is assumed:

  • You are using openstack with Magnum installed
  • You have a Core OS image available
  • You are using Cinder as your storage, if not the PVC can be altered under the deploy_jhub role.
  • You can already deploy a Magnum cluster using the defaults provided. If not feel free to add / modify instance labels to "fix Magnum".
  • It's recommended to have a private mirror (such as Harbor) for Magnum containers. The docker rate limit can be quickly hit spinning up new clusters and autoscaling.

It's highly recommended that you setup a dedicated project with a high number of volume instances; a volume is created per user so this can rapidly grow. By default each volume is only 1GB, so a sensible space quota is fine.

Deploying a cluster

Variables (/playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml)

Variable Description Defalut
release_version and cluster_name Combine to form cluster name "1-2" and "jupyter-{{ release_version }}"
num_masters Number of master nodes. 2
num_workers Minimum number of worker nodes. 1
max_worker_nodes Maximum number of worker nodes. 10
max_gpu_nodes Maximum number of GPU nodes. THe minimum number of GPU worker is always 1 4
keypair_name Name for IAM keypair for managing this cluster. 2
master_flavor Flavor of master nodes 2
worker_flavor Flavor of worker nodes 2
setup_lb_to_master_nodes Set-up a lobalancer for SSH accessto master nodes false
mirror_url mirror for docker container


  • In playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml check the config
  • Pay attention to max_worker_nodes and flavor, as the flavor cannot be changed after creation
  • This will also optionally setup a load balancer called <cluster_name>_in with SSH access on the users behalf if enabled
  • Deploy with ansible-playbook -i <name_of_inventory> playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml
  • For example, to deploy to a development project ansible-playbook -i dev_inventory/openstack.yml playbooks/deploy_cluster
  • The status of the cluster deployment can be monitored with watch openstack coe cluster list or on the web GUI
  • One deployed pull the config to your local machine with openstack coe cluster config <cluster_name>. This will copy a config file into your current directory
  • Export the kubectl config after the config command finishes
  • Check for kubectl connectivity kubectl get nodes
  • Check that all pods are created successfully with kubectl get pods -n kube-system


Variables (/playbooks/build_gpu_driver.yml)

Variable Description Defalut
FEDORA_VERSION OS version of the Kubernetes Node (CoreOS for STFC cloud) 32
NVIDIA_DRIVER_VERSION Nvidia driver version. See link 460.32.03
HARBOR_TAG Target repository for pushing the GPU driver image. "{{ NVIDIA_DRIVER_VERSION }}-fedora{{ FEDORA_VERSION }}"

Enabling GPU Workers

  • Edit playbooks/build_gpu_driver.yml to check the Nvidia driver and OS targetted
  • Run ansible-playbook playbooks/build_gpu_driver.yml to build and push the driver to the magnum mirror
  • In playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml check the configuration matches above and the desired outcome
  • If the cluster already exists comment out the init cluster step in k8s_cluster/tasks_deploy_magnum_cluster. Openstack will create a new cluster as this step is not idempotent.
  • Run ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_jhub.yml -i dev_inventory/openstack.yml
  • In kubectl get nodes a new node will be deployed
  • The status of the Nvidia driver on the guest can be monitored with kubectl get all -n gpu-operator-resources

Manual Cluster config fix for GPU Workers

The cluster autoscaler must be informed how to scale these nodes:

  • Edit the deployment with kubectl edit deploy/cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system
  • Find the line with 1:n:default-worker where n is the max number of workers and 1 is the minimum number
  • Insert another line below, taking care to have 3 dashes: -nodes --1:n:gpu-worker to enable scaling on GPU workers
  • Save, this should enable autoscaling on GPU instances and can be monitored with kubectl logs deploy/cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system --follow

If you are seeing errors that the annotation is missing whilst trying to start an instance on a GPU node you need to manually adjust the CSI plugin:

CSI plugins will not deploy on tainted nodes (e.g. GPU instances) preventing us from using Cinder shares. An upstream fix has been backported to certain versions. This can easily be resolved too:

  • Run kubectl edit daemonset/csi-cinder-nodeplugin -n kube-system
  • Scroll down to the configuration for csi-cinder-nodeplugin it will look something like this:
  name: csi-cinder-nodeplugin
  namespace: kube-system
  resourceVersion: "5800"
  selfLink: /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/kube-system/daemonsets/csi-cinder-nodeplugin
  uid: 5a9c87c4-d01c-4325-b388-4ee7d43e15a5
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
      app: csi-cinder-nodeplugin
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: csi-cinder-nodeplugin
      - args:
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
      app: csi-cinder-nodeplugin
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: csi-cinder-nodeplugin
        - operator: Exists

This will now deploy csi-cinder-nodeplugin to all nodes regardless of taint. To verify you can check the number of desired pods, it should equal your total number of nodes in kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system

Priority Class for GPU-operator

The Nvidia GPU Helm Chart will try to schedule pods with system-node-critical in namespaces outside of kube-system. Earlier version of K8s doesn't allow this. Therefore, a workaround is included with this notebook to create a high priority user PriorityClass for these pods.

Kubectl Namespaces

All components are installed in the jhub (or user-selected) namespace and the Prometheus-stack is deployed to the prometheus namespace. This means every command must:

  • Include -n <namespace> on every command
  • (Preferred) use Kubectx and kubens and set the namespace for this session with kubectl ns jhub

All subsequent Kubernetes commands will omit the namespace for brevity.

Jupyter Hub Config

  • Ensure that the terminal Ansible will run in can access the correct cluster (kubectl get no).
  • Check the config in playbooks/deploy_jhub.yml.
  • Copy the content of config.yaml.template(in /roles/deploy_jhub/files/) to create a config.yaml in the same directory and ensure the various secrets and fields marked:
  • Go through each line checking the config values are as expected. Additional guidance is provided below:

HTTPS Config

Setting up DNS for Lets Encrypt

Lets Encrypt is used to handle HTTPS certificates automatically. Jupyterhub can have unusual problems in HTTP mode only, so I would strongly strongly advice you run it with some level of TLS.

Simply ensure you have:

  • An external IP address
  • A internet routable domain name
  • A (optionally/and/or) AAAA record(s) pointing to the IP address

Update the config file with the domain name, by default it's set to

Using existing TLS Certificate

Alternatively, if you already have an existing certificate and don't want to expose the service externally you can manually provide a certificate.

The primary disadvantage of this, is both remembering to renew the certificate annually and the associated downtime compared to the automatic Lets Encrypt method.

A Kubernetes secret is used, instructions can be found here

Using Oauth Sign in (config-oauth.yaml.template)

For short-term deployments, where a list of authorized users is suitable, simply use the native authenticator ( and see below.

If you are using another OAuth provider please contact them for support.

If you are using IRIS IAM the secrets must be generated for the config file as follows:

  • Visit IRIS IAM and self-service client registration
  • Add a new client (or edit an existing one with secrets previously generated)
  • Ensure you fill out as many details as possible for production. These steps help users recognise OAuth phising attacks
  • Add https://<domain> and https://<domain>/hub/spawn to the allowed redirects
  • (E.g. and
  • Under scopes untick everything except openid preferred_username, profile and email.
  • Save the generated ID/secrets.
  • Take note of the registration token, this is not used in config but you will not be able to access / modify your token afterward without it.
  • Copy config-oauth.yaml.template to config.yaml and populate the file with the above details.

Setting users / admin groups for Oauth

By default the config template assumes the user will be using groups with Oauth to limit access to approved groups and assign admin privileges.

Simply modify the allowed_groups and admin_groups contains the group names you intend to be allowed access and admin privileges respectively.

To allow anyone who completes Oauth login access, simply remove all entries from both lists. This will also disable admin accounts too.

Using Native Authenticator (config-native.yaml.template)

If your service is short lived (<1 month), then an alternative is to use the Native Authenticator. This is especially useful for running events where users won't have an IAM account (e.g. school outreach).

In this mode anybody can sign up, however, before they can access the service their account most be approved by any of the pre-defined admin accounts.

Note: This deployment is not suitable for long-term deployments; the hashed passwords are stored within the cluster which typically is not actively maintained after deployment. Instead invest the time to use OAuth or LDAP, so that your password hashes are stored on an actively maintained external service.

To use the Native Authenticator:

  • Copy config-native-auth.yaml.template to config.yaml
  • Change the number and name of admin usernames as appropriate
  • Uncomment and fill allowed_user, which is a user name whitelist, if required
  • After service deployment you'll need to sign up as the admin user
  • The sign up page will state your account needs conformation, for an admin account you can now login directly

Important: As admin account credentials are created via a 'sign up'. These must be registered immediately after creation to secure them against someone else registering them instead.

To authorize users after they sign up navigate to /hub/authorize (e.g. ). Unfortunately, there is no button to access this page so the URL must be directly changed.

Deploying Jupyter hub

Variables (/playbooks/deploy_jhub.yml)

Variable Description Defalut
storage_class_name Name of the StorageClass for PV claim. "cinder-storage"
storage_class_file Name of Kubernetes config file for StorageClass. (place the file in /roles/deploy_jhub/files/; This repo includes a config file for Cinder Storage (Openstack) and Rancher Local-path) "cinder-kube-storage.yaml"
jhub_deployed_name Helm name of JupyterHub. jupyterhub
jhub_namespace Kubernetes Namespace for JupyterHub jupyterhub
jhub_version Helm chart version for JupyterHub (Newer versions may require a more recent kubernetes version) "0.11.1"
jhub_config_file Name of helm values file of JupyterHub (place the file in /roles/deploy_jhub/files/) 2
prometheus_deployed_name Helm name of Prometheus Stack prometheus
prometheus_namespace Kubernetes Namespace for Prometheus Stack prometheus
grafana_password Admin Password for Grafana. "temp_password"
NVIDIA_DRIVER_VERSION This version needs have been built by running playbooks/build_gpu_driver.yml beforehand. By default, The repo is pointed towards STFC harbor. 460.32.03


  • Login to the openstack GUI before deploying, as this saves a step later...
  • Deploy the jupyterhub instance with ansible-playbook playbooks/deploy_jhub.yml
  • Whilst it's deploying go to Network -> Load Balancers, look for one labelled with proxy_publicfor JHub, it may take a minute to appear as images are pulled.
  • Take note of the 10.0.x.x IP, go to Floating IPs (FIP).
  • Associate your prepared FIP with matching DNS records to that whilst the load balancer is being created.
  • If Magnum managed to associate a random FIP before you disassociate and release. But this will happen as the final step of creating the load balancer if you haven't already.

SSL Setup

The Lets Encrypt (LE) certificate will have failed to issue, as the LB takes longer to create than the first issue. To issue your first certificate and enable automatic renewal:

As there are a limited number of attempts we can do (see rate limit) some sanity checks help ensure we don't run out of attempts:

  • Check deployed config.yaml for the domain name
  • Test that the domain is using the correct external IP from an external server with dig. E.g. dig @
  • Test that the HTTP server is serving with telnet 80

We need to force the HTTPS issuer to retry:

  • kubectl get pods and take note of the pod name with autohttps
  • Delete the auto HTTPS pod like so: k delete pod/autohttps-f954bb4d9-p2hnd with the unique suffix varying on your cluster
  • Wait 1 minute. The logs can be monitored with: watch kubectl logs service/proxy-public -n jhub -c traefik
  • Warnings about implicit names can be ignored. If successful there will be no error printed after a minute.
  • Go to https://<domain>.com and it should be encrypted.

Note on Renewal Limits

A maximum of 5 certificates will be issued to a set of domain names per week (on a 7 day rolling basis). Updating a deployment does not count towards this as Kubernetes holds the TLS secret.

However, helm uninstall jhub will delete the certificate counting towards another when redeployed.

The currently issued certificate(s) can be viewed at:

Prometheus Stack

The Prometheus-Grafana stack is deployed automatically when deploying JupyterHub. user can set password using the grafana_password variable. The service monitors are pre-configured to monitor the Kubernetes cluster, JupyterHub and GPU-Operator. The default dashboard is located in the STFC folder which contains a comprehensive set of information.

Accessing Grafana and Prometheus dashboard

User kubectl get service -A to check the IP of grafana and prometheus.

Virtual Desktop

In /role/deploy_jhub/files/config.yaml uncomment the part in profile list.

    # - display_name: "VDI-testing"
    #   description: |
    #     Deploy image with vitual desktop 4 CPUs, 4GB RAM
    #   kubespawner_override:
    #     image:
    #     cpu_limit: 4
    #     cpu_guarantee: 0.05
    #     mem_limit: "4G"
    #     mem_guarantee: "4G"
    #     extra_resource_limits: {}

Enabling sudo for user

If you want to enable sudoer for users you can uncomment this block as well. However, this would only work for images originated from jupyter/docker-stack and allow sudoer for all images.

  # extraEnv:
  #     "yes"
  # uid: 0
  # cmd: null

Maintenance and Notes

If your are maintaining the service there are a couple of important things to note:

Single hub instance

Jupyterhub is not designed for high availability, this means only a single pod can ever exist. Any upgrades or modifications to the service will incur a user downtime of a few minutes.

Any existing Pods containing user work will not be shutdown or restarted unless the profiles have changed. To be clear, hub redeploying will have a minor outage but without clearing existing work.


The autoscaler is the most "brittle" part of the deployment as it has to work with heat. The logs can be monitored with:

  • kubectl logs deployment/cluster-autoscaler --follow -n kube-system

The maximum number of nodes can be changed with:

  • kubectl edit deployment/cluster-autoscaler -n kube-system
  • Under image arguments the max number of instances can be changed
  • Saving the file will redeploy the auto scaler with the new settings immediately.

Proxy_public service notes

Deleting the public service endpoint does not delete the load balancer associated. You must delete the load balancer to prevent problems, as any redeployment of the service uses the existing LB without updating the members inside. This will cause the failover to stop working as well.

The following symptoms of this happening are:

  • kubectl get all -n kube-system shows everything but the external service as completed
  • The external service will be pending, but on the openstack GUI the LB will be active (not updating / creating)
  • The service is not accessible as the old pod is still referred to.

To fix this:

  • Delete the service in Kubernetes and load balancer in openstack
  • Re-run the ansible deployment script (see deploy Jupyterhub), this will recreate the service.
  • Associate the desired floating IP as described above


based on STFC Ansible Jupyter







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