A simple workshop for HackGTeeny 2021. This repository will remain public for your reference.
The world is an interesting place. Maybe you have a place you really like and you'd like to show it off! This is how! This is a simple website called "My Teeny World" that shows you different strategies and design types with HTML and CSS, as well as some basic Javascript.
Of course, your location doesn't have to be Georgia Tech, but I used it for my example.
- CSS3
- JS
- All index files (
) - Some additional files (Some images, pre-defined css, a cool animation strategy)
- Loads of comments
You will notice that there are two sets of releases. Each of them has the club/organization name of which the starter code was made for. Since the workshop for HackGTeeny (the original purpose for this code) is longer, the starter code in that release will have much less pre-provided code.
If you are attending a GT WebDev session, use this code. Otherwise, use the code from the other release. GT WebDev has shorter tutorial sessions and thus more code was left in. Of course, if you are not part of Georgia Tech and you find this, go ahead and use either one. Though note the license.
Hey everyone, I'm so sorry I rushed that presentation day of, especially in the JS section. I didn't really anticipate as many questions and problems with the repository (plus I should have had everyone download the repo beforehand!).
Anyway, here are links to all of my materials I used: