String Obfuscation for [.ps1 | .ps1m] scripts
Quick Bio: Hello, my name is Drew. This is my personal Git-hub where I work on network / programming projects. Please feel free to check out my other work available from the link on my Git-hub home page.
Obfuscation Write-up:
Advanced Base64 Obfuscation in UTF8 Write up
Once downloaded, extract the zip file. Next copy the folder to the following directory.
Verify that you do not have the module in multiple folders. the final directory should be this: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\base64 advanced\Base64-Advanced.psm1
once this is done, open Powershell_ise elevated (Administrator)
File open and paste the link above to the file.
Next enter the following command in the console.
Get-Module Base64-Advanced
If you do not get an error you have installed the module correctly.
Alright now that you have ISE open, when you type the command for the module all the -arguments will be easy to read. This will also allow you to see what functions do in real time.
To start the module type the following command
Now add any arguments, lets start basic and work our way into it.
Base64-Advanced -Content "This Can Be Anything" -Encrypt $true
This will effectively encrypt that string and output it in the console session.
Now we can get more advanced. Lets write this content to a file.
Base64-Advanced -Content "This Can Be Anything" -Encrypt $true -WriteToFile $true
Output: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Base64-Advanced -Content "This Can Be Anything" -Encrypt $true -WriteToFile $true Enter File Save Path: C:\temp\Test\string.txt Path Found! Path Found!
Saved Content to Custom Path!
Now, if the path did not exist. The script will automatically detect this and give you a chance to create a directory and file in C:\temp. This script assumes C:\temp already exists. If it does not, be sure to create that directory.
Just one final note. The ReadFromNet argument does not require you to use the WriteToFile argument. It will automatically Create a new directory anywhere you input on your computer all the way down to the file. ReadFromNet is designed to read raw files from the internet. I haven't found a use for it yet, but I wanted to make an in depth example this time so it was necessary.
Hope this helps. -Drew