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This repo includes models that are not included in QML directly.



The SqlModel is a subclassed QSqlTableModel, that is created entirely from QML. This model lives on the UI thread.

    import Models 1.0

    ListView {
        id: listView;
        model: SqlModel {
            id: sqlModel;
            // The id value is arbitrary, call it whatever you want.
            tableName: "Movies";
            // tableName: is the SQL TABLE name.
            autoCreate: true;
            // Will create the SQL database if it does not already exist.
            databaseSettings {
                connectionName: "LIBRARY";
            // This is not required as long as multiple connections to the 
            // same database are not used. Will default to the fileLocation.
            fileLocation: "/home/username/Desktop/db.sqlite"; 
            // The location of SQL database. If autoCreate is true,
            // the database will be created here.
            SqlColumn { name: "Title"; type: "TEXT"; }
            // SqlColumn is like a ListElement for a ListModel.
            // "name" is the SQL column name used to query against the database
            // and for table creation of autoCreate is true.
            // The roleName used to access this column from the delegate
            // is the same as the column's name.
            // "type" is the SQL Type of the column.
            // This just a normal string, so any SQL type will work.
            SqlColumn { name: "Poster"; type: "TEXT"; }
            SqlColumn { name: "Description"; type: "TEXT"; }
            SqlColumn { name: "AbsoluteFilePath"; type: "TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE"; }
            // You "MUST" call finishModelConstruction() from Component.onCompleted
            // in order for the model to be reset and created.
            Component.onCompleted: { sqlModel.finishModelConstruction(); }
        delegate: Item {
            width: 100;
            height: 50;
            Text { text: Title; }
            // "Title" is defined as the name property in the SqlColumn. No
            // quotes are needed to access the title name, Just declare it the same
            // if this was a ListModel.

C++ slot definition

    // These are all member variables of the SqlModel. The column is the 
    //  SqlColumn::name Q_PROPERTY.

    // Sets an SQL filter on the query. The added filter will remain until
    // 'clearFilter()' is called on the filtered column. 
    void setFilter( const QString column
                    , const QVariant value
                    , const FilterType type = FilterType::Like );

    // Removes an SQL filter on the query.
    void clearFilter( const QString column );

    // This function needs to be called once all the Q_PROPERTIES have been assigned.
    // This is called in Component.OnCompleted and "MUST" be called from there.
    void finishModelConstruction();

    // Inserts a new row into the sql model.
    bool addRow( const QVariantMap rowData );

    //Remove row from sql model.
    bool deleteRow( int index, const QString column, const QVariant data );

    // Updates the row with the new value;
    bool updateRow( int index, const QString column, const QVariant oldData, const QVariant newData );

    // Deletes the database and resets the sql schema. The model is now initialized
    // but is still empty of rows.
    void clearDatabase();
QML slot usage
// Inside ListView delegate
// ...
    sqlModel.deleteRow( index, "AbsoluteFilePath", AbsoluteFilePath )
    sqlModel.updateRow( index, "AbsoluteFilePath", AbsoluteFilePath, "/home/lee/file" + Math.random() + ".png" );
    sqlModel.setFilter( "Title", "zelda" );
    sqlModel.clearFilter( "Title", "mario" );


SqlThreadedModel is a subclass of QAbstractTableModel and serves as a proxy model for SqlModel, which is kept as a member variable internally. The internal SqlModel is offloaded onto a separate thread, and queries are sent via signals.

This model will not hang the UI thread, unlike SqlModel, which potentially could if the database queries thousands of results. Usage is identical to SqlModel, except the return variables attached to the slots will always return true and are not guaranteed to finish when the function returns. I will attach signals soon.


These models are designed to be built as QML plugins. Run qmake, make, and make install. The plugins will be installed to the "qml" folder in your Qt installation directory under "qml/Models". Import the models into QML by running

import Models 1.0

These plugins are designed to be built with a c++11 compiler.


Extra models that are not included in QML directly.







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