Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic web projects and windows applications. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including C#, Python, JavaScript, SQL.
Experienced in developing and implementing REST and SOAP APIs.
def skills():
languages = {
"Python", "C#", "Javascript"
frontend = {
"HTML", "CSS", "XAML",
frameworks = {
"Django","Django Rest Framework",
"ASP.NET MVC", "Bootstrap",
"Entity Framework", "WPF", "WCF",
"WinForms", "Windows Service"
databases = {
"MS SQL", "Postgres SQL",
"MySQL", "SQL Light"
tools = {
"VS code", "pycharm","Postman",
"SoapUI", "Github", "pycharm",
"Oracle VM Virtualbox", "AWS",
"MySQL workbench", "puTTy", "IIS",
"SQL server management studio",
data = [
languages, frontend, frameworks,
databases, tools
return data
❤️ Programming | 🖤 Music | 💙 Traveling
- 🔭 Currently working on PC Application
- 🌱 Currently learning Python and Javascript (love to learn new Tech)
- 💬 Ask me about anything tech related, I am happy to help
- 📫 Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn
- ⚡️ Fun fact: I’m a huge Web series fan