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Tree Packs: Leaves Properties

supermassimo edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 8 revisions

What is it

The leaves_properties folder contains JSON files that define the properties of leaves. Each species can have their own different leaves despite sharing a family, and are what usually distinguish them from each other.


The following properties MUST be included:

  • "primitive_leaves": The block the leaves are made of. These will drop when sheared

The following properties can be included:

  • "type": Allows for custom behavior beyond these properties. The options are {solid, wart, palm, scruffy}. More can be added by addons. (Default is none)
  • "cell_kit": The shape logic of the leaves. The options are {deciduous, conifer, acacia, dark_oak, bare, palm, nether_fungus}. More can be added by addons. (Default: deciduous)
  • "smother": The maximum count of leaves a leaf block can have on top before dying (Default: 4)
  • "light_requirement": The minimum light value for the leaves not to die (Default:12)
  • "fire_spread": THe fire spread value of the block
  • "flammability": The flammability value of the block
  • "connect_any_radius": If true, leaves will connect to any radius instead of just 1 (Default:false)
  • "does_age": depricated, use ageing_configuration instead.
  • "ageing_configuration": When leaves are allowed to tick and grow/decay. Options are {always, worldgen_only, growth_only, never}
  • "can_grow_on_ground": If false leave will leave a gap of air with the ground. (Default: false)
  • "color": The color of the leaves. It can be a Hex value, Int value or {@biome, @birch, @spruce}. More can be added by addons. (Default: @biome)
  • "family": The family of trees the leaves can connect to. It must first be defined in the Families folder. (By default its any)
  • "generate_block": Whether the leaves need a block to be registered (Default: true)
  • "block_registry_name": The registry name of the block (By default it uses the name of the file + "_leaves")

The following properties are only applicable dynamictrees:scruffy type leaves properties

  • "scruffy_leaf_chance": The percentage of leaf blocks that will be skipped (Default: 0.66)
  • "scruffy_max_hydro": The maximum distance value that skipped leaves can have (Default: 1)

Loot Tables

Drops from the fruit or pod must be defined through loot tables. When working on an addon the runData task can be setup to generate them automatically, otherwise when working on a treepack they must be defined manually.

The following properties are only useful for generating Loot Tables through the runData task:

  • "seed_drop_chances": An array of 4 chances to drop leaves when harvested. Each value represents a level of fortune enchantment with 0 being no fortune. (Default: [0.015625, 0.03125, 0.046875, 0.0625])
  • "requires_shears": If leaves are required to obtain the full block. (Default: true)