This library runs TensorFlow machine learning models on microcontrollers, allowing you to build AI/ML applications powered by deep learning and neural networks.
With the included examples, you can recognize speech, detect people using a camera, and recognise "magic wand" gestures using an accelerometer.
The examples work best with the M5StickC(ESP32) board, which has a microphone and accelerometer.
Outputs sine waves to serial outputs and build-in LEDs.
This is gesture recognition using acceleration. The accelerometer_handler and output_handler must be modified according to the environment in which they are used.
A sketch customized to look like a specific board.
- M5StickC
- M5StackFire
This is a sample of speech recognition. The audio_provider and command_responder must be modified according to the environment in which they are used.
A sketch customized to look like a specific board.
- M5StickC
- M5StackFire
- ATOM Echo
It is a person detection using a camera. The image_provider and detection_responder must be modified according to the environment in which they are used.
It is a person detection using a camera. This is a sample of using the ESP32 camera driver. Please configure the device you want to use in config.h.
++++++++++++++-----HHH+---- HHHH----HHH-++++++++
++++++++++++-------HHHH----HHH* ---HHH*-++++++++
++++++++++---------HHHH ---***=---=*HH---+++++++
++++++++++---------H***= +***---H*H* ----++++++
++++++++++--------- ****=-***H ***H+------+++++
++++++HHHH*+------- *************** -----#H#-+++
+++++++ ###HH------**H**********H* --+HHHHHH*+=+
+++++++++++ HHHHHHHHHHHH####H##HH#HH=+++++++++=+
=++++++##M*++ ######H#############H-++++++++++++
======+++==M++++*###############H +++++++++++===
Person score:89 No person score:226
+++++++++++-------- ##HHHHHHH*H##-------++++++++
++++++++++---------H#*H#HHHH#H*#H --------++++++
+++++++++---------- #*HHH***H**+H ---------+++++
+++++++++---------- H=***==***=++----------+++++
+++++++++----------- -*HH**H*== --------++
+++++++++------------H******** --HHHHHHH*+=+
Person score:251 No person score:42
A sketch customized to look like a specific board.
- M5CameraModelB
- T-CameraV05
tar zxvf v2.1.1.tar.gz
cd tensorflow-2.1.1
make -f tensorflow/lite/experimental/micro/tools/make/Makefile TARGET=esp generate_micro_speech_esp_project
This is the base file.
- Renamed *.cc to *.cpp
- Edit the include path
- And, Minor corrections