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@semantic-release-bot semantic-release-bot tagged this 18 Nov 04:12
# [2.197.0]( (2023-11-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **Nyx Music Plaer - Unlock pro:** Constrain to last working version ([96d24a3](
* **Remove screenshot restriction:** Improve reliability ([#2938]( ([6b7cb7b](
* Use a checked cast by reifying the generic type parameter ([f7a296e](
* **YouTube - Client spoof:** Fix low resolution precise seeking thumbnails ([#3249]( ([0cb41ef](
* **YouTube - Disable resuming Shorts on startup:** Adjust patch name ([#3281]( ([c332952](
* **YouTube - Hide layout components:** Reduce false positives when hiding mix playlists ([fb173e1](
* **YouTube - SponsorBlock:** Rename "Preview/Recap" category to "Preview/Recap/Hook" ([#3245]( ([2cd2453](
* **YouTube - Theme:** Use consistent patch option descriptions ([#3231]( ([c84a940](
* **YouTube:** Rename `Restore old seekbar thumbnails` and `Restore old quality menu` ([#3235]( ([7e3ffc8](

### Features

* Add `Spoof SIM country` patch ([#3116]( ([304a0d4](
* **Android Widgets (Material U):** Remove `Unlock paid widgets` patch ([#3286]( ([b44da1c](
* **Facebook:** Add `Hide story ads` patch ([#3257]( ([1408c2e](
* **Twitch:** Support version `17.0.0` ([#3250]( ([9c103ac](
* **Twitch:** Support version `17.1.0` ([#3269]( ([d88373b](
* **YouTube - Bypass URL redirects:** Support version `18.43.45` ([e205ac7](
* **YouTube - Client spoof:** Add description to preference screen ([843a568](
* **YouTube - Hide layout components:** Add description to preference screen ([cc85441](
* **YouTube - Hide layout components:** Hide description components ([38b8e44](
* **YouTube - Hide timestamp:** Support version `18.43.45` ([9180d4f](
* **YouTube - Navigation buttons:** Add description to preference screen ([14ea967](
* **YouTube - Navigation buttons:** Support version `18.43.45` ([e21286e](
* **YouTube - Player flyout menu:** Support version `18.43.45` and `18.44.41` ([#3263]( ([fcbebf9](
* **YouTube - Return YouTube Dislike:** Support version `18.43.45` and `18.44.41` ([#3260]( ([70dee58](
* **YouTube - Seekbar tapping:** Support version `18.43.45` ([eee51a8](
* **YouTube - Seekbar:** Add description to preference screen ([ea6de49](
* **YouTube - Settings:** Sort preference screens below other types of preference ([9561db5](
* **YouTube - Vanced MicroG support:** Allow changing package name ([0c7490c](
* **YouTube Music - Vanced MicroG support:** Allow changing package name ([ede2d67](
* **YouTube:** Add `Enable slide to seek` patch ([68d10d4](
* **YouTube:** Add `Remove tracking query parameter` patch ([ddda3f6](
* **YouTube:** Bump compatibility to `18.38.45` ([9f19869](
* **YouTube:** Bump compatibility to `18.44.41` ([384a0a6](
* **YouTube:** Support version `18.43.45` for `Playback speed` and `Restore old video quality menu` ([c5236f8](
* **YouTube:** Support version `18.45.41` ([7c4f021](
Assets 2