This is a repo under construction
Please download conda and create a virtual environment first.
# create virtual env
conda create -n torchfly python=3.6
apex is required, but it may need modifications if cuda version is mismatched.
# make sure ``nvcc`` is installed
# modified the error due to cuda version
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
Then install this library in developer mode:
# clone repo
git clone
# install the repo
pip install -e .
To use the repo,
import torchfly_dev
Please see examples of how to use this repo:
First preprocess your data into sectors. You should read this to do it. here
Set up Google Cloud Preemptible Instance with instructions.
Start training BERT with code here.
The most recent meeting notes are updated under meeting-notes
The most recent progress and updates,