This script allows detection of non-revoked files on the portal having identical content md5sum. The script will run without any parameters, except the usual --keyfile and --key arguments. Execution of the script will result in a 'tsv' report on detected duplicates. The report includes individual sections fro each lab:
LAB with DUPLICATES : <name of the lab>
NUM of replicate cases : <num of duplications detected>
<file accession> <experiment accession> <content md5sum> <file status>
This script takes object identifiers and fieldnames and returns a TSV of the data gathered
To get multiple objects use the --infile argument and provide a file with the list of object identifiers
./ --infile filenames.txt
this can take accessions, uuids, @ids, or aliases
To get a single object use the --infile argument and use the object's identifier, also will take a comma separated list
./ --infile ENCSR000AAA
./ --infile 3e6-some-uuid-here-e45
./ --infile this-is:an-alias
./ --infile ENCSR000AAA,ENCSR000AAB
To get multiple fields use the --field argument and feed it a file with the list of fieldnames
./ --field fieldnames.txt
this should be a single column file
To get a single field use the field argument:
./ --field status
./ --field status,target.title
where field is a string containing the field name or a comma separated list of fieldnames, this can be combined with the embedded values
To get embedded field values (such as target name from an experiment):
Note: ENCODE_get_fields will only expand the data untill it hits an array
currently it cannot get subarrays of arrays
./ --field target.title
accession target.title
ENCSR087PLZ H3K9ac (Mus musculus)
this can also get embedded values from lists
./ --field files.status
more about this feature is listed below
To use a custom query for your object list:
./ --query
this can be used with either useage of the --field option
Output prints in format of fieldname:object_type for non-strings
Ex: accession read_length:int documents:list
ENCSR000AAA 31 [document1,document2]
integers ':int'
lists ':list'
string are the default and do not have an identifier
please note that list type fields will show only unique items
./ --field files.status --infile ENCSR000AAA
accession file.status:list
ENCSR000AAA ['released']
this is a possible output even if multiple files exist in experiment
To show all possible outputs from a list type field use the --listfull argument
./ --field files.status --listfull
accession file.status:list
ENCSR000AAA ['released', 'released', 'released']
ENCODE_collection useage and functionality: has ported over some functions of ENCODE_collection and now supports the --collection and --allfields options
Useage for --allfields:
./ --infile ENCSR000AAA --allfields
accession status files award ...
ENCSR000AAA released [/files/...] /awards/...
The --allfields option can be used with any of the commands,
it returns all fields at the frame=object level,
it also overrides any other --field option
Useage for --collection:
./ --collection Experiment --status
accession status
ENCSR000AAA released
The --collection option can be used with or without the --es option
the --es option allows the script to search using elastic search, which is slightly faster than the normal table view used
However, it may not posses the latest updates to the data and may not be preferable to your application
--collection also overrides any other --infile option and so but it can be combined with any of the --field or --allfields options
NOTE: while --collection should work with the --field field.embeddedfield functionality I cannot guarantee speed when running due to embedded objects being extracted
Given a TSV file this script will PATCH data to the ENCODE database
PLEASE NOTE: This script is a dryrun-default script, run it with the --update option to make any changes
Input options: Input file should be a TSV (tab separated value) file with headers if the field value is a non-string value, list its type separated by a colon
accession header1 header2:list header3:int ...
ENCSR000AAA value1 list1,list2 value3 ...
Whatever data is used to identify the object (accession, uuid, alias) goes in the accession column to be used for identification of object
Input file format: To PATCH a single object, field with field type, and data:
./ --accession ENCSR000AAA --field assay_term_name --data ChIP-seq
./ --accession ENCSR000AAA --field read_length:int --data 31
./ --accession ENCSR000AAA --field documents:list --data document1,document2
- For integers use ':int' or ':integer'
- For lists use ':list' or ':array'
- Lists are appended to unless the --overwrite option is used
- String are the default and do not require an identifier
To PATCH flowcells:
./ --flowcell
the --flowcell option is a flag used to have the script search for flowcell data in the infile
Example infile:
accession flowcell lane barcode machine
ENCSR000AAA value1 value2 value3 value4
not all the columns are needed for the flowcell to be built
Removing data:
Data can be removed with the --remove option.
This must be run with the --update command to make the changes.
To remove items from a list you must also tag the column header as such, otherwise it will remove the entire item
accession subobject:list
ENCSR000AAA item1,item2
This removes "item1" and "item2" from the list, you need to include the FULL NAME of the object you want to remove (i.e. “/files/ENCFF000ABD/“)
accession subobject
ENCSR000AAA item1,item2
This will remove the "subobject" from the object completely
PLEASE NOTE: This script is a dryrun-default script, run it with the --update option to make any changes is a script that will release objects fed to it
Default settings only report the status of releaseable objects and will NOT release unless instructed
In addition if an object fails to pass the Error or Not Compliant audits it will not be released
Basic Useage:
./ --infile file.txt
./ --infile ENCSR000AAA
A single column file listing the identifiers of the objects desired
A single identifier or comma separated list of identifiers is also useable
./ --query "/search/?type=Experiment&status=release+ready"
A query may be fed to the script to use for the object list
./ --infile file.txt --update
--update should be used whenever you want to PATCH the changes to the database, otherwise the script will stop before PATCHing
./ --infile file.txt --force --update
if an object does not pass the 'Error' or 'Not Compliant' audit it can still be released with the --force option
./ --infile file.txt --logall
Default script will not log status of 'released' objects, using --logall will make it include the statuses of released items in the report file
Misc. Useage:
The output file default is 'Release_report.txt'
- This can be changed with --output
Default keyfile location is '~/keyfile.json'
- Change with --keyfile
Default key is 'default'
- Change with --key
Default debug is off
- Change with --debug
This script uses the matrix view available at "" to find and total the Error and Not Compliant audits
This script outputs a TSV file that has been formatted so that when it is opened in Google Sheets each cell with results will also be a link to the search page used to generate that cell data
You must use Google Sheets to open the resulting file
Excel is unable to handle the formulas
This script will print out the following during it's run: "WARNING:root:No results found"
This is due to how the long and short RNA-seq are searched and it does not affect the final results of the script
All commands need to be quote enclosed
--rfa command uses the award.rfa property to refine inital matrix
./ --rfa "ENCODE,Roadmap"
--species command uses the property to refine the inital matrix
./ --species "celegans,human,mouse"
--lab command uses the lab.title property to refine inital matrix
./ --lab "bing-ren,j-micheal-cherry"
--status uses the status property to refine inital matrix
./ --status "released,submitted"
The usual list of assay this script shows is:
- Short RNA-seq
- Long RNA-seq
- microRNA profiling by array assay
- microRNA-seq DNase-seq
- whole-genome shotgun bisulfite sequencing
use the --all command to select all the available assays for display
the output file can be renamed using the --outfile option
the --allaudits command will also list the "WARNING" and "DCC ACTION" audits
PLEASE NOTE: This script is a dryrun-default script, run it with the --update option to make any changes
Takes in a VERY specific file format to use for updating the publications
Also can update the existing publications using the pubmed database
An EMAIL is required to run this script
This is for the Entrez database
This script requires the BioPython module
./ --consortium Consortium_file.txt
This takes the consortium file
./ --community Community_file.txt
This takes the community file
./ --updateonly list.txt
Takes file with single column of publication UUIDs, checks against PubMed to ensure data is correct and will update if needed
This script opens a fastq and calculates the read length, it can also print the header line of the fastq currently unable to parse header for information such as machine name
./ --infile file.txt
./ --infile ENCFF000AAA
Takes either a list of the file accessions, a single accession, or comma separated list of accessions
./ --query "/search/?type=File"
Takes a query from which to get the list of files
./ --header
Prints the header line from the fastq
PLEASE NOTE: This script is a dryrun-default script, run it with the --update option to make any changes
Provide with a CSV file of metadata to post
./ --encvaldata ./encValData
Use to define a different location for the encValData directory
./ --validatefiles ./validateFiles
use to define a different location for the validateFiles script
validateFiles must be made executable for this to work
PLEASE NOTE: This script is a dryrun-default script, run it with the --update option to make any changes
Given a TSV file this script will attempt to add in the information to the antibodies, the file is provided by the user
Example TSV file:
@id lanes lane_status notes documents
someID 2,3 compliant get it? important_document.pdf
someID 1,4 not compliant got it important_document.pdf
someID 5 pending dcc review good important_document.pdf
./ --infile MyFile.txt --user 4eg4-some-uuid-ks87
./ --infile MyFile.txt --user /users/some-user
Either a uuid or an @id can be used for user identification
PLEASE NOTE: This script is a dryrun-default script, run it with the --update option to make any changes
Script to match files with their controlled by value.
Usage: --infile MyFile.txt --infile ENCSR000AAA --infile ENCSR000AAA,ENCSR000AAB,ENCSR000AAC --query "/search/?type=Experiment"
Script will take a file with single column list of experiment accessions
Can also take a single experiment accession or comma separated list of experiment accessions
A query from which to gather experiment accessions --method single --method multi --method biosample
There are three methods to pick from
"single" assumes one replicate in the control
"multi" assumes one control with its number of replicates equal to number of replicates in experiment
"biosample" assumes multiple controls that should be matched on biosample
By NOT selecting the '--method' option the script will try to guess the correct method --ignore_runtype
This makes the script ignore the value of the paired ends, default is off --missing
Script will print out only the names of files missing controlled_by
This script takes in a text file containing gravely documents for libraries and biosamples, parses it, downloads the PDFs from Gravely links, uploads to the portal and links the uploaded document to the relevant library or biosample
Example usage for libraries:
python3 examples/ --keyfile keypairs.json --key test --lib library_protocols.txt
Example usage for biosamples:
python3 examples/ --keyfile keypairs.json --key test --bio biosample_protocols.txt
PLEASE NOTE: This script is a dryrun-default script, run it with the --update option to make any changes
This script takes in an Excel file with the data
If there is a uuid, alias, @id, or accession in the document it will ask if you want to PATCH that object
Use '--patchall' if you want to patch ALL objects in your document and ignore that message
If no object identifiers are found in the document you need to use '--update' for POSTing to occur
Defining Object type:
Name each "sheet" of the excel file the name of the object type you are using with the format used on
Ex: Experiment, Biosample, Document, AntibodyCharacterization
Or use the '--type' argument, but this will only work for single sheet documents mydata.xlsx --type Experiment
The header should be the names of the fields just as in,
Ex: award, lab, target, etc.
For integers use ':int' or ':integer'
For lists use ':list' or ':array'
String are the default and do not require an identifier
To upload objects with attachments, have a column titled "attachment" containing the name of the file you wish to attach
Embedded objects are considered to be things like:
- characterization_reviews in AntibodyCharacterizations
- tags in Constructs
They are assumed to be of the format of a list of dictionary objects
"characterization_reviews": [
"organism": "/organisms/human/",
"biosample_term_name": "A375",
"lane": 2,
"biosample_type": "immortalized cell line",
"biosample_term_id": "EFO:0002103",
"lane_status": "compliant"
"organism": "/organisms/mouse/",
"biosample_term_name": "embryonic fibroblast",
"lane": 3,
"biosample_type": "primary cell",
"biosample_term_id": "CL:2000042",
"lane_status": "compliant"
Formatting in the document should be as follows for the above example:
characterization_reviews.organism characterization_reviews.lane:int .... characterization_reviews.organism-1 characterization_reviews.lane-1:int
/organisms/human/ 2 /organisms/mouse/ 3
A second example: tags.location tags.location-1
FLAG C-terminal BOGUS Fake-data
Again, this will become
"tags": [
"location": "C-terminal",
"name": "FLAG"
"location": "Fake-data",
"name": "BOGUS"