Hi, here is the coding demo from Chen Yinan, for you convenience,below is some simple introduction about this project.
- Android Studio: Android Studio Ladybug | 2024.2.1 Patch 2
- Gradle: 8.9
- AGP: 8.7.2
- Kotlin: 1.9.34
├── AndroidManifest.xml
├── assets //mock data
└── java
└── com
└── yinan
└── cryptocodingtest
├── CryptoApp.kt
├── MainActivity.kt
├── exceptions
│ └── NetworkException.kt //some custom exception
├── model
│ ├── WalletAssetWrapper.kt //the converted data model of wallasset
│ ├── WalletDetailInfo.kt // the data model composed with the wallet assets and some calculated value
│ └── entities
│ ├── CurrencyTier.kt //the entity corresponding to live rate api
│ ├── SupportedCurrency.kt //the entity corresponding to supported currencies api
│ └── WalletAssets.kt //the entity corresponding to wallet assets api
├── repository
│ ├── currency // the interface and its implementation attach to currency request
│ │ ├── ICurrencyRepository.kt
│ │ └── LocalCurrencyRepository.kt
│ └── wallet // the interface and its implementation attach to wallet request
│ ├── IWalletRepository.kt
│ └── LocalWalletRepository.kt
├── ui
│ ├── adapters
│ │ └── AssetsAdapter.kt
│ └── items
│ └── AssetViewHolder.kt
├── utils
│ ├── AssetUtils.kt // defines some extension functions for operating wallet asset
│ ├── BigDecimalUtils.kt // define some extension functions for transforming BigDecimal
│ ├── GlideUtils.kt
│ └── SpannableUtils.kt
└── viewmodels
└── MainViewModel.kt
- ICurrencyRepository & IWalletRepository
To facilitate the integration of api requests, MainViewModel is only aware of these interfaces. And we can replace the implementations of them later.
As long as the the structure of correponding api response is not modified, we don't need to change other code.