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Generating new service_account.json for running locally

Justin Uberti edited this page Feb 21, 2021 · 1 revision

In order to run EPSchedule locally (e.g., with, you'll need a service_account.json file, which contains the credentials for the EPSchedule dev service account.

Project admins can generate a new service_account.json via these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. For [email protected], select the "Create Key" action.
  3. Choose JSON format for the credentials file.
  4. A file of the form epschedule-v2-[id].json will download to your computer.
  5. Rename this file to service_account.json, which can then be placed in the epschedule folder.
  6. NOTE: this file contains secrets and must not be uploaded to GitHub! The project .gitignore has been set up to try to prevent this.
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