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A recipe builder web app that finds recipes based on the ingredients you have available

CleanShot 2024-04-12 at 17 54 20@2x

Set up⁠⁠

For Flask:

Setting up Flask on python env (VsCode)

  1. ⇧⌘P Python: Create Environment
  2. ⇧⌘P⁠⁠ Terminal: Create New Terminal 
  • Note for windows:
    • Terminal: Select Default Profile to set "Command Prompt" as your default instead.
  1. In the terminal run: ⁠python3 -m pip install flask 
  • Make sure there is a .(venv) prefix in the terminal
  • If not run ⁠source .venv/bin/activate (MacOS)
  • Or ⁠.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 (Windows)

For npm/react/flask api packages:

pip install nodeenv

nodeenv -p

npm install react react-dom

pip install python-dotenv

pip install Flask-Cors

npm install react-awesome-reveal @emotion/react --save

pip install requests

Run instructions from terminal

Make sure you are using the virtual environment for both terminals (there should be a .venv prefix in the terminal)

  1. Open two seperate terminals (one to run the back end and one for the front end)
  2. On the first one run npm run dev to start the React application.
  3. On the second one run npm run start-api or npm run start-api-windows if on windows.

Now both the front and back end should be connected.
Note: Whenever a change is done to any of the API endpoints the flask server must be restarted.
Ctrl+C to stop then refer back to step 3 to reinitialize the Flask API


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