PS3 Proxy Server for Android v3.0 - Universal - Not completed
- New app interface, cleaner;
- Web interface added to the app (so it's possible to control it by any web browser);
- Automatic logs checker added;
- PSP Information Board redirection options added;
- Redirection of PS3 updates to HFW updates added;
- Option to enable redirection of domain to the internal PS3Xploit website copy in case you have no Internet OR to get it still working when it gets shutdown one day and in case support for something gets dropped (I'll try to have all versions there, just in case it might be useful for anyone in particular);
- Conversion from HTTPS to HTTP added. You can now access HTTPS sites on the PS3 and they'll be converter automatically to HTTP, so the PS3 can access them (TO SEE IF THIS IS POSSIBLE TO DO!!! - possible, see if it can be done internally without sites depencence);
- If anyone tried to understand the code, my deepest feelings for you and you shall be blessed for trying. The code will be more like code this time. I won't change it completely, as that would make me rewrite the entire code and I don't have time for that, so I'll try that it looks more like code this time XD (by actually following Android Studio's recommendations, as opposite to before when I didn't care much since I didn't even know what OOP was...).
- Logs not logging completely (???) fixed, hopefully.